Provides a simple terminal/scripting interface for downloading audio from YouTube via pafy. Works on Android through QPython.

youtube, download, audio, pafy, android
pip install SYTAD==0.1.3



SimpleYouTubeAudioDownloader (SYTAD) is a simple Python3 script using pafy to download the best possible audio from YouTube videos or YouTube playlists.

It is intended for everyday-use, and is quicker and simpler to use than directly using pafy if all you really care about is downloading the audio from a YouTube video.

It also works on Android through QPython3.

Sample usage

The SimpleYouTubeAudioDownloader can be used

  • Directly from the command line.
  • Through a terminal user interface (TUI).
  • Within python scripts.

Command line usage

To download YouTube videos:

py -m SYTAD url-1 url-2 ... url-n

where each url-x is either a video URL or ID.

To download from a YouTube playlist:

py -m SYTAD -p plurl

where plurl is either a playlist URL or ID.

Terminal user interface

To enter the terminal user interface, write

py -m SYTAD

Or simply run the file from the terminal.


This last option of course requires you to navigate to the folder containing (or, if using Windows 8, open the terminal in the folder by shift + right-clicking in the folder).

SYTAD in scripts

First import SYTAD:

>>> import SYTAD

Downloading a YouTube video:

>>> id = 'dQw4w9WgXcQ' #YouTube video ID or URL
>>> video =
>>> # Optional parameters: folder, filetype

Downloading a list of YouTube videos:

>>> idList = ['dQw4w9WgXcQ', 'Rqz--Rf6IIo'] # List or tuple of video IDs or URLs
>>> videos = SYTAD.multipleVideos(idList)
>>> videos.downloadAll('D:\Example', 'ogg') # Optional parameters: folder, filetype

Download all videos from a YouTube playlist:

>>> plid = 'PLDFDE550C8A0544AE' # Playlist ID or URL
>>> playlist = SYTAD.playlist(plid)
>>> playlist.downloadAll(filetype = 'ogg') # Optional parameters: folder, filetype

Currently only m4a and ogg filetypes are supported. The default download folder is the standard download folder in your home directory.


If you have pip you can simply enter

$ [sudo] pip install SYTAD

If you do not have pip you can download the "SYTAD" folder and copy it to the .../Python3x/Lib/site-packages folder.

If you do not have pafy, you can install pafy in a similar manner:

$ [sudo] pip install pafy

Or you can head to pafy on GitHub.