A Python library for the Santorini board game

santorini, ai, boardgame, board-game, game-artificial-intelligence, pysimplegui, python, reinforcement-learning, strategy-game
pip install SantorinAI==1.3.3


Graphical output example


AI Player tester for the Santorini game

How to use

1. Install

With pip:

pip install --upgrade santorinai

You can also clone the repository and install it manually:

git clone https://github.com/Tomansion/SantorinAI.git
cd SantorinAI
pip install -r requirements.txt

2. Create a player

Create an override of the Player class in the santorinai.player.py file.

from santorinai.player import Player

class MyPlayer(Player):
    My player description

    def name(self):
        return "My player name"

    # Placement of the pawns
    def place_pawn(self, board, pawn):
        my_pawn_number = pawn.number # Between 1 and 6 depending on the game mode
        my_player_number = pawn.player_number # Between 1 and 3 depending on the game mode

        # Do some magic here to choose a position
        my_choice = (2, 3) # A position on the 5x5 board

        return my_choice

    # Movement and building
    def play_move(self, board, pawn):
        my_pawn_pos = pawn.pos

        board_array = board.board # A 5x5 array of integers representing the board
        # 0: empty
        # 1: tower level 1
        # 2: tower level 2
        # 3: tower level 3
        # 4: terminated tower

        pawns = board.pawns # The other pawns on the board

        # Do some magic here to choose a position
        my_move_position = ( # Moving top right
            my_pawn_pos[0] + 1, 
            my_pawn_pos[1] + 1

        my_build_position = ( # Building right (relative to the new position)
            my_move_position[0] + 1, 
            my_move_position[1] + 0

        return my_move_position, my_build_position

Check our random players example in our player examples folder to help you create your own.

3. Test your player

from santorinai.tester import Tester
from santorinai.player_examples.random_player import RandomPlayer
from my_player import MyPlayer

# Init the tester
tester = Tester()
tester.verbose_level = 2 # 0: no output, 1: Each game results, 2: Each move summary
tester.delay_between_moves = 0.1 # Delay between each move in seconds
tester.display_board = True # Display a graphical view of the board in a window

# Init the players
my_player = MyPlayer()
random_payer = RandomPlayer()

# Play 100 games
tester.play_1v1(my_player, random_payer, nb_games=100)

Output example:

Player Randy Random won 10 times
Player My player won 70 times

Graphical output example: Graphical output example

Board utilities

We provide some utilities to help you manipulate the board.

# Game informations
board.nb_players # Number of players in the game (2 or 3)
board.nb_pawns # Number of pawns (4 or 6) depending on the game mode
board.pawn_turn # Pawn that is currently playing
board.turn_number # Number of turn played since the beginning of the game

# Pawns
board_pawns = board.pawns # The other pawns on the board
pawn = board_pawns[0] # The first pawn on the board
pawn.pos # The position a pawn on the board (x, y), or (None, None) if it is not placed yet
pawn.number # The number of the  pawn on the board (between 1 and 6) depending on the game mode
pawn.player_number # The number of the player owning the pawn (between 1 and 3) depending on the game mode
playing_pawn = board.get_playing_pawn() # The pawn that is currently playing

# Board
board_array = board.board # A 5x5 array of integers representing the board
# 0: empty
# 1: tower level 1
# 2: tower level 2
# 3: tower level 3
# 4: terminated tower

# Movements
available_move_positions = board.get_possible_movement_positions(pawn)
available_build_positions = board.get_possible_building_positions(pawn)

# Board control
board.place_pawn(pos) # Place the current playing pawn on the board
board.play_move(move_position, build_position) # Play a move (move and build) with the current playing pawn

# Other
board.is_move_possible(start_pos, end_pos)
board.is_position_adjacent(pos1, pos2)
board.is_build_possible(builder_pos, build_pos)
board.copy() # Create a copy of the board, useful to test moves
print(board) # Print the board

# Display
from santorinai.board_displayer.board_displayer import init_window, update_board
window = init_window([player1.name(), player2.name()])
update_board(window, board)


Creator of Santorini: Roxley Games

Board 2D Gui library: PySimpleGUI