
SigFit is a package to help you fit a sine wave to noisy sine data

pip install SigFit==1.1.1


SigFit - Sine Wave Fitting for Python

I work with Analog To Digital Converters (ADCs) for my research project and I need to fit sine waves frequently to evaluate their performance.

I wrote the SigFit sine fitting library in C language but later I needed to use Python so wrappd my code with Python; In other words extended Python with C/C++

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This code has two modes:

  • Three Parameter Fitting
  • Four Parameter Fitting

Three Parameter Fitting

Three Paramter Fitting requires the Frequency of input signal, Sampling Frequency and Data array and will return co-efficients of a sine wave.

returned object: (A, B, C)

Acos(wt) + Bsin(wt) + C

Four Parameter Fitting

Four Parameter Fitting accepts the arguments of Three Paramter Fitting as well as an initial guessed frequency. The output is co-efficients of the a sine wave plus the best fitted frequency. I have tested it, it's very accurate.

Four Parameter Fitting is implemented in C, but it's not wrapped in Python yet.

returned object: (A, B, C, Frequency)


I haven't done any benchmark tests but it's fast! The overhead comes from converting Python list to C array. If you know how to speed-up the conversion, please go ahead and fix it. I'll accept your pull request.


It's on PyPi. Just do:

$ pip install SigFit


The usage is extremely easy:

import SigFit

#data_samples = your noisy data samples
#freq = the frequency of the data
#fs = the sampling frequency
A, B, C = SigFit.FitThreeParam(data_samples, freq, fs)


This algorithm was written based on the following paper written by Peter Händel

Properties of the IEEE-STD-1057 four-parameter sine wave fit algorithm

Unfortunately, Dr. Peter Händel, at KTH in Sweden passed away in 2019 after a long period of illness.