
A VPN over WebSocket

asyncio, VPN, WebSocket, TUN
pip install Sizzler==0.0.4


Sizzler: VPN over WebSocket

Sizzler is a Linux tool, which sets up a virtual network interface on a computer, and transmit the data sent/received from it to another computer running the same program.

The transmission utilizes WebSocket, a common technology used in modern websites. Therefore all other technologies for optimizing WebSocket connections apply also for Sizzler: firewalls allowing WebSockets will also allow Sizzler connections; reverse proxies for accelerating accesses may also work.

The network interface set up by Sizzler behaves like a normal network interface. Since transmitted are IP packets, not only TCP but also UDP and ICMP are supported.

Sizzler is MIT licensed.


Use PyPI to install:

sudo pip3 install sizzler


sizzler can be run in command line:

  • sizzler -h for help
  • sudo sizzler -c CONFIG_FILE, supply a config file in YAML format and start the program in client mode. Sizzler requires root priviledge! But it will drop that right after virtual network interface is set up and run.
  • sudo sizzler -s CONFIG_FILE, just like above, but in server mode.
  • sizzler -e will print an example config file to standard output.