
Static gallery generation using Jinja2

pip install StaticGallery==0.1.0


Static Gallery

Static Web Gallery Generator using Jinja2 And PIL.

In the context of the application, a gallery is a directory with photos, the source is the parent directory
of the galleries. The destiny is the directory where the galleries will be copied and the html files generated.


You will need to install PIL and Jinja2 first:

    $ pip install jinja2
    $ pip install PIL

You can install it in a virtualenv, otherwise you will need to install it
as root if you don't change the root of the python package installation.


It's really easy to change the design/styles of the gallery, you can create a jinja template for the menu
and a different one for the gallery, add them in the templates directory and later select them from the command-line
with the `--template-gallery` and `--template-menu` options.

You can run the server with `--server` if you want to check easily template changes (or whatever you want).

This is the command line help:

    usage: staticgallery [-h] [--template-gallery TEMPLATE_GALLERY]
                        [--template-menu TEMPLATE_MENU] [--src SRC] [--dst DST]
                        [--server] [--port PORT] [--reload]

    Static Gallery Generator Options.

    optional arguments:
      -h, --help            show this help message and exit
      --template-gallery TEMPLATE_GALLERY
                        Choose the name of the template for the gallery
      --template-menu TEMPLATE_MENU
                        Choose the template for the menu
      --src SRC             Source directory for the galleries
      --dst DST             Destiny where the web galleries will be generated
      --server              Executes a server
      --port PORT           Choose the port for the server, by default 8000
      --reload              Reload all galleries, even if they exist in the


You can change the configuration easily just editing the file in $HOME/.staticgallery/config.cfg
too. By default you will need to configure the source of your image directory, the destiny is by default
`~/.staticgallery/site`, but you can move it wherever you want.

Once you have your gallery generated you can see it using `staticgallery --server --port 8080` and
redirecting your browser to `http://localhost:8080`.

Have fun! :-D