
Replacement for multiprocessing.Pool.

pip install SteamFactory==0.1


Steam factory

Replacement for multiprocessing's Pool, offering more powerful features. Allow running a generic Python function asynchronously.

Example usage

First, we are going to need a function that does something. In this case, it does nothing more than waiting one second.

import time

def do_nothing():
    print('Sleeping done')  # If you want some feedback..

To run this function in parallel, we're going to need a Factory instance.

from steamfactory import Factory

# Create a factory, running up to 4 tasks concurrently
factory = Factory(size=4)

All set, we can schedule some async function executions:

for _ in range(4):

After a second, you should see the four "Sleeping done" messages being printed at once.

In case you're using this inside a script, and you need the main process to wait for all tasks to be executed before terminating (meaning that tasks will be lost), remember to call the shutdown() method:


Getting feedback

How to get "feedback" from the tasks usually greatly depends on the application. Many times you don't even bother with the function return value, you just need something to be done. Other times values might be large, or the required retention time might vary.

The library doesn't currently offer any way to return results to the caller, but you can easily do something like this:

import time
from multiprocessing import Manager

from steamfactory import Factory

_mgr = Manager()
results = _mgr.dict()  # Shared between processes

def addup(a, b):
    results[(a, b)] = a + b

# Create a factory, running up to 4 tasks concurrently
factory = Factory(size=4)

# Let's schedule some tasks, 1, 2), 3, 4), 5, 6), 7, 8)


# Now, results contains all the results (after a 1s processing
# time)