
An advanced template engine

straw, template, engine, html, generator, website
pip install StrawEngine==0.3.0


Straw - A WIP Client-Side Programming Language

There's nobody who doesn't know about HTML. The 'must have' client-side programming language for every website. You literally have to build your website template via HTML tags, because it's the only language browser support.

I say, no more! We have to walk into the future. We have to develop new features, new languages and new frameworks which is coming to replace the HTML language.

Straw is a new programming language and it lets you create easily web files. So why using Straw instead of HTML?

  1. First of all, the code of straw is a lot more elegant than HTML code. And the more beautiful the code is, the easier to work about the website.
  2. Straw contains a lot of features which doesn't exist in pure HTML. those features let you dynamically generate new web files. For example, you can write new functions and import files of another programming languages into your Straw code!
  3. For the general purpose, Straw may be easier, and the code may be shorter. You don't have to close tags and you can see which tag is found inside another.


  • Python 3.x

Installation and Usage

We're on pip! You can install Straw easily via the following command:

pip install StrawEngine

Now, if you want to 'compile' a file, you can do it via the following command:

straw file(,file2,file3...)


You can read the tutorial in the tutorial folder.

Code Example

Straw code:

  title This is my website!

    h1 Hello! :)
    p Welcome to my website. Love you.
      ^note I'm adding the safe so it won't close the p tag.
        I have nothing to say anymore.

  ^note It's a stupid idea but I like it
    return "Credit - Ben Timor,"

Compiling into the HTML code:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title> This is my website!
<h1> Hello! :)
<p> Welcome to my website. Love you.
I have nothing to say anymore.
Credit - Ben Timor,