
A command line utility to generate model and web service classes in Swift programming language.

Swift, code, generator, webservice, model
pip install SwiftCodeGen==0.3



A command line utility to generate model and web service classes in Swift programming language. This is a simple and lightweight tool for developers to automate a part of effort. The tool will generate all the required model classes and web service classes with a single command.


SwiftCodeGen is written in Python, and it requires python 2.7 or above to work.

Install SwiftCodeGen and use simple commands.

$ pip install SwiftCodeGen

If you have already a version installed...

$ pip install SwiftCodeGen --upgrade


SwiftCodeGen uses SwiftGenConf.json file to keep api details and other common properties to configure basic setups. It also uses template files to generate model and service classes. A sample configuration file can be found here.

To initialise setup...

$ cd project/location
$ swiftcodegen init

The init command will setup the required basic setup in the project directory. The command will create a SwiftGen/ folder and adds required config and template files. The folder structure will be as below

|   |--git configuration files
|  |--ViewControllers
|  |--Models etc.
|  |-- pod files
|  |--SwiftGenConf.json
|  |--ModelTemplate.swift
|  |--ServiceTemplate.swift
|  |--TypeMap.json

Basic values will be filled in the configuration file which can be edited to add required details. Read more on config file customisations here.

After initialisation, the configuration and setup can be validated by...

$ swiftcdoegen validate

The validate command will check the required values in configuration file and validate them. Appropriate error messages will be logged to resolve the error if exist.

To generate model and service classess as updated in configuration file (SwiftGenConf.json)...

$ swiftcodegen gen

The gen command will generate the model classes and service classes as specified in the configuration file.


The config and template files in /SwiftGen folder are customizable.


A sample config file will look like,

	"project_path": "",
	"apis": [{
		"api_name": "GetUser",
		"endpoint": "some/path/getUser",
		"request": "",
		"method": "GET",
		"response": {
			"first_name": "Akhilraj",
			"last_name": "Rajkumar",
			"age": "30",
			"sex": "M"
	"project_name": "MyProject",
	"class_prefix": "",
	"base_directory": "MyProject"

Availbe keys and expected values are, Note: Possible values will be prefilled on init, if the command is used from project directory. All paths are relative to location of config file.

Name Value
project_name Name of the project, value will be prefilled on init.
project_path Directory path of .xcodeproj file.
base_directory Directory where generated model and service classes to be added.
class_prefix Classname prefix.
apis An array of api's.
apis customization

In SwiftGenConf.json file, an array/list of values is expected for apis key. Each item in api list will have the following key-value pairs.

Name Value
api_name A name for api, this is used to name the request and response classes.
endpoint api endpoint url.
method Request method like GET, POST etc.
request Request json or empty if nothing. It could be [] or {}.
response Response json, it could be [] or {}.
model_alias Alias name for models. Expects key-value pairs {}.
endpoint example:

Value of endpoint is expected to be a string, with or without host part. SwiftCodeGen will only take the path par from the url. Two types of url strings are supported now,

  • "endpoint" : "some/path/getUser"
  • "endpoint" : "some/path/Users/{userId}"

In the second example, userId will be added as method parameter and value will be substituted.

model_alias example:

Value of model_alias is expected to be key-value pairs. This is used to map a model or a part in request/response to another model.

	"project_path": "",
	"apis": [{
		"api_name": "GetUser",
		"endpoint": "some/path/getUser",
		"request": "",
		"method": "GET",
		"response": {
			"first_name": "Akhilraj",
			"last_name": "Rajkumar",
			"age": "30",
			"sex": "M"
	"project_name": "MyProject",
	"class_prefix": "",
	"base_directory": "MyProject"

In the above configuration, the GetUser api response will be mapped to a model named GetUserResponse. If the model need to be another name, like User, add model_alias in that api json. eg:

	"project_path": "..",
	"apis": [{
		"api_name": "UpdateSomething",
		"endpoint": "some/path/updateSome",
		"request": {
		    "key" : "value"
		"method": "POST",
		"response": {
			"status_code": 0,
			"message": "Success/Fail message"
		"model_alias": {
			"response": "User"
	"project_name": "MyProject",
	"class_prefix": "",
	"base_directory": "../MyProject"

Here the response of GetUser is mapped to User, so the model name will be User.

Another example, consider

	"project_path": "..",
	"apis": [{
		"api_name": "UpdateSomethingOne",
		"endpoint": "some/path/updateSomethingOne",
		"request": {
		    "key" : "value"
		"method": "POST",
		"response": {
			"status_code": 0,
			"message": "Success/Fail message"
		"model_alias": {
		    "request" : "UpdateRequest",
			"response": "CommonResponse"
	}, {
		"api_name": "UpdateSomethingTwo",
		"endpoint": "some/path/updateSomeTwo",
		"request": {
		    "key" : "value"
		"method": "POST",
		"response": {
			"status_code": 0,
			"message": "Success/Fail message"
		"model_alias": {
		    "request" : "UpdateRequest",
			"response": "CommonResponse"
	"project_name": "MyProject",
	"class_prefix": "",
	"base_directory": "../MyProject"

In the above sample, both update requests have same kind of request and response, since each one is provided with aliases, no seperate model's will be generated for two request. Same UpdateRequest model and CommonResponse model will be used. If the aliases are not provided, both api will generate seperate request and response models. So the providing alias can avoid different models with same properties.

Apart from the whole request or response, any part of json can be aliased. eg:

  "project_path": "..",
  "apis": [
      "api_name": "GetUser",
      "endpoint": "some/path/getUser",
      "request": "",
      "method": "GET",
      "response": {
        "first_name": "Akhilraj",
        "last_name": "Rajkumar",
        "age": "30",
        "sex": "M"
      "model_alias": {
        "response": "User"
      "api_name": "GetContacts",
      "endpoint": "some/path/getContacts",
      "request": "",
      "method": "GET",
      "response": {
        "contacts": [
            "first_name": "Akhilraj",
            "last_name": "Rajkumar",
            "age": "30",
            "sex": "M"
      "model_alias": {
        "contacts": "User"
  "project_name": "MyProject",
  "class_prefix": "",
  "base_directory": "../MyProject"

In the above example a part of response is aliased to User model. So in GetContacts response array of User model will be used.

Template Classes

SwiftCodeGen uses two template classes, ModelTemplate.swift and ServiceTemplate.swift. Model template uses ObjectMapper to map json to model. So the application require ObjectMapper module. Service classes are generated from ServiceTemplate which is created based on Alamofire. The service template class is customizible as per project and imlpementation. A sample service template file will look like,

import Foundation
import ObjectMapper

class $class_name : BaseWebService {

    typealias successCallback = ($response_type?) -> Void
    typealias failureCallback = (Error) -> Void

    var success:successCallback?
    var failure:failureCallback?

    func $method_name($request_var onSuccess:@escaping successCallback, onFailure:@escaping failureCallback) {

        self.success = onSuccess
        self.failure = onFailure
        self.urlString = "$endpoint"
        self.requestMethod = $request_type
        self.parameters = $request_params
        self.startWebService(success: { JSON in

            let response = Mapper<$response_model>().$map_type
            }) { error in


This template class is created as a subclass of BaseWebService class. The base service class used in the example can be found here. In the template class, values starts with $ will be substituted with actual values generated from SwiftGenConf.json file. Available options are,

Name Value
$response_type This will be a model or array of model as per response specified in conf file.
$method_name A name for method, formed from name value in conf file.
$request_var This will be a model or array of model as per request specified in conf file. It will be empty if nothing provided in request.
$endpoint Endpoint url created from endpoint value in conf file.
$request_type Type of request like GET, POST etc configured from method value from conf file.
$request_params A [String : Any] variable created from request model using ObjectMapper. Value will be nil if nothing is provided in request.
$response_model Model name of response.
$map_type Mapping to object or oject array.

The above values will be filled to create service classes. The template file can be configured to any form and SwiftCodeGen will format and fill the above variables present in the template file. So depends on project template file can be custmized providing the above variables.


  • Support GET request with URL parameters.
  • Possible customizations.


Apache License


Akhilraj Rajkumar - https://github.com/akhilraj-rajkumar