
TGPred: Efficient methods for predicting target genes of a transcription factor by integrating statistics, machine learning, and optimization.

pip install TGPred==0.1.0


APGD v.0.1.0 (Python Version)

Python version of the Accelerated Proximal Gradient Descent (APGD) algorithm is to solve the penalized regression models, including

  • HuberNet: Huber loss function along with Network-based penalty function;
  • HuberLasso: Huber loss function along with Lasso penalty function;
  • HuberENET: Huber loss function along with Elastic Net penalty function;
  • ENET: Mean square error loss function along with Elastic Net penalty function;
  • Lasso: Mean square error loss function along with Lasso penalty function;
  • Net: Mean square error loss function along with Network-based penalty function.

We also have R version, please see the following link for the guideline of R version



Xuewei Cao+, Ling Zhang+, Kui Zhang, Sanzhen Liu, Qiuying Sha*, Hairong Wei*. HuberNet function for interfering target genes of regulatory genes using high-throughput gene expression data.

+ These authors have contributed equally to this work

Any questions? lingzhan_AT_mtu_DOT_edu, xueweic_AT_mtu_DOT_edu



Please use Python Version 3

Step 1. Download 'requrirements.txt' file for installing the requirements packages in your terminal:

pip install -r requirements.txt


Step 2. Simple install APGD package by runing command:

pip install APGD


Step 3. Test your APGD in python:

import APGD

If there is no Error, you have installed APGD package successfully!


Step 4. Play with function in APGD referred by APGD_Guide.



Please refer APGD_Guide.