
TheWildTool is a tool developed with the main objective of saving time when working with audio datasets. Either to prepare them, to get them or to train a model with them. 🤖

Data, Analysis, IA, datasets, Engenering, DeepLearing, converter, image-converter, image-processing, python, video-converter, video-processing
pip install TheWildTool==1.5.7



License: MIT Python 3.10 PyPi Package

Summary and details

A unified package to convert your videos or images to another image/video format. Convert a whole folder from that format to a different one, or if you prefer, convert just one!

  • Python Version: 3.10
  • Pip Version: The Lastest version


- conv_video(route, convert_to, folder, delete_original)

Convert your video files, or an ENTIRE folder with video files to a different format!

  • Parameters:

    • route: string | Path of your file or folder to convert!

    • convert_to: string | Format you want to convert the files to.

    • folder: boolean | If you want to convert a folder with video files, this has to be set to True.

    • delete_original: boolean | If you want that when converting the file to the desired format, the original file is completely deleted, you should leave this parameter to True.

Remember that the formats supported are:

  • MP4
  • MOV
  • WAV
  • AVI
  • FLV
  • MKV

- conv_image(route, convert_to, folder, delete_original)

Convert your image files, or an ENTIRE folder with image files to a different format!

  • Parameters:

    • route: string | Path of your image or folder to convert!

    • convert_to: string | Format you want to convert the image to.

    • folder: boolean | If you want to convert a folder with images files, this has to be set to True.

    • delete_original: boolean | If you want that when converting the image to the desired format, the original image is completely deleted, you should leave this parameter to True.

The formats supported are:

  • BMP
  • GIF
  • JPG
  • JPEG
  • PNG
  • ICO
  • TIFF



To use this package, the best idea is to do it through pip:

pip install ConvTool


Or, on the contrary, you can clone this repository and access it:

git clone

This will create a folder of the project itself inside your python root project. Next we have to install the necessary dependencies for the project to work correctly, this can be done with:

pip install -r requirements.txt 

This would ideally have to install all the necessary libraries for you. This will be installed in the virtual environment of your project. See how to create a virtual environment here.


To import and use any module, do it as follows (if you cloned the repository, make sure it is in the root of your project):

from ConvTool.ConvTool import conv_video

And with that done, start using it as follows:

from ConvTool.ConvTool import conv_video

conv = conv_video(folder = False, convert_to = 'mp4', delete_original = True, route = r'miruta/')

Now run!

(v1.0) Images Update. ¿What's New?

  • Support for converting images to different formats!
  • Cleaner code (a bit :c)
  • Intentions to add support for converting text files in next updates!

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