
A small package to make printing pretty things easier!

color, colour, colour-print, debug, print, python
pip install ThrowColour-jzhao==1.0.4



ThrowColour is a small Python module to make printing messages with formatting and colours easier! This module is mostly just practice with creating a working pip module for learning purposes.


  • Supports different types of print messages with colour coding
  • Support basic formatting (bold, italics)
  • Supports timestamp printing


Getting it

To download throwcolour, either fork this Github repo or simply use Pypi via pip.

$ pip install throwcolour

Using it

A few functional examples of how to use ThrowColour.

Basic Functionality

A basic example of how to use the cthrow function.

from throwcolour import cthrow
cthrow('Test 1,2')

This would print the message DATETIME - [INFO] Test 1,2 in a nice looking purple with DATETIME replaced with the current timestamp.


The cthrow function

The full cthrow function is as follows:

cthrow(message, type='INFO', formatting=None, addPrefix=True, dateTime=True)
Setting the type argument

As you can see, a flag can be specified. This specifies the colour of the message and the message type. When setting flags, ensure the strings match exactly the name of the flag detailed below.

  • INFO - A nice aesthetic purple message
  • OK - A satisfying green message
  • WARN - A cautionary yellow message
  • ERR - A not-so-good red message

For example:

cthrow("This probably isn't good", type="WARN")


The addPrefix and dateTime arguments

We can also disable the prefix (the stuff inside the []) and timestamp as follows.

cthrow("Look Mom, no prefix and timestamp!", addPrefix=False, dateTime=False)

Setting formatting flags

With ThrowColour it is also possible to set multiple formatting flags such as bold and italics. It is important to note that the argument formatting takes a list containing strings of different formatting options.

cthrow("Bold and Underlined", formatting=['BOLD','UNDERLINE'])


Or just bolded,

cthrow("Nice and bold", formatting=['BOLD'])
