
Set of functions to produce common metrics used in Data Science at Tidepool.

pip install Tidepool-Data-Science-Metrics==0.1.1


Data Science Metrics

-- Project Status: Active

Project Intro/Objective

The purpose of this project is to package all common metrics used in data science projects.


  • Python
  • Numpy
  • Pandas

Project Description

The intent of this package is to be used throughout the Tidepool Data Science projects to enable standard calculations, that provide domain validations, warnings and exceptions.

Getting Started

Available in pypi at ""

To Deploy from source

  1. Create a release in github.
  2. Update version_string in setup.py with the version from step 1.
  3. Run the pypi_push.sh script.

Tidepool Data Science Team

Name (with github link) Tidepool Slack
Russ Wilson @Russ
Ed Nykaza @ed
Jason Meno @jason
Cameron Summers @Cameron Summers