
This is a powerful library for building self robots in Rubika

rubika, rubino, tyrobot, pyrubika, bot, library, rubx, rubika-bot, rubika-lib, self, ir, asyncio
pip install TyroBot==2.0.6


Rubika Bot Self Library for Python


A fast, beautiful and very powerful library for making your own robots in Rubika

from TyroBot import Bot, Message

bot = Bot('TOKEN')

for msg in bot.on_message():
    m = Message(msg)
    if m.text() == 'Hello':
        bot.reply(msg, 'Hello from TyroBot Library')

Tyrobot is is an easy, fast and unofficial rubika self bot library. It enables you to easily interact with the main Telegram API through a user account (custom client) using Python.

Key Features

  • Ready: Install rubika with pip and start building your applications right away.
  • Easy: Makes the rubika API simple and intuitive, while still allowing advanced usages.
  • Elegant: Low-level details are abstracted and re-presented in a more convenient way.
  • Fast: Boosted up by aiohttp instead of requests.
  • Powerful: Full access to Rubika's API to execute any official client action and more.


pip3 install TyroBot

This is not an official rubika product. It is not affiliated with nor endorsed by rubika Inc.

© 2023 Mohammad Saeed Salari