
Tools for accessing UNISIM variables from python

pip install UNISIM-connector==0.1.0


UNISIM connector

UNISIM connector is a tools developed by the SERG research group of the University of Florence for modifying UNISIM files from python.

The beta version can be downloaded using PIP:

pip install UNISIM_connector

Once the installation has been completed the user can import the tool and initialize the connector itself passing the path of the UNISIM file that has to be opened (in the example below the file is selected by the user trough a dialog box. If possible use a with statement for the initialization.

from UNISIMConnect import UNISIMConnector
from tkinter import filedialog
import tkinter as tk

root = tk.Tk()
unisim_path = filedialog.askopenfilename()

with UNISIMConnector(unisim_path) as unisim:

    # insert your code here

Finally, you can ask the program to modify values in the spreadsheets inside the UNISIM file and wait until a solution has been reached

with UNISIMConnector(unisim_path) as unisim:
    spreadsheet = unisim.get_spreadsheet("CALCULATION")
    spreadsheet.set_cell_value("A5", 15)

-------------------------- !!! THIS IS A BETA VERSION !!! --------------------------

please report any bug or problems in the installation to pietro.ungar@unifi.it
for further information visit: https://tinyurl.com/SERG-3ETool