
XMIssion XMI/AWS/HET Gnome File Manager

pip install XMIssion==0.9.4


XMIssion: XMI and Virtual Tape (AWS/HET) File Manager


Open and extract (unload) XMI/AWS/HET mainframe files.

xmission demo

main window

View xmi dataset information

XMI file details

Read XMI messages

XMI file details

View tape file information

Virtual Tape dataset details

View dataset member information

Dataset member information


You can install XMIssion from PyPI using:

python3 -m pip install xmission


python3 setup.py install --user

to install system wide:

sudo python3 setup.py install

What is it?

XMIssion is a python GTK netdata (xmi) and virtual tape (aws/het) file manager. This means you can open, browse, view information, and extract the contents of xmi, aws and het files.

XMIssion is only a front end (a graphical interface) to the xmi python library available here: https://github.com/mainframed/xmi.

How to Use

Open XMIssion and select a file to open then browser and extract all, one or many selected files. File information is available for the archive (XMI, AWS, or HET file) and for each file in the archive.

XMIssion can also accept command line arguments. To view (lots) of debugging information enable debug with -d. You can also pass the archive as a command line argument.

Detailed help output:

usage: xmission.py [-h] [-d] [filename]

positional arguments:
  filename     xmi/het/aws to extract

optional arguments:
  -h, --help   show this help message and exit
  -d, --debug  Print debugging statements

More Information About XMI/AWS/HET