
Implementation for A3T

pip install a3t==0.0.1


Robustness to Programmable String Transformations via Augmented Abstract Training


This repository contains the code implementation of the paper Robustness to Programmable String Transformations via Augmented Abstract Training.

A3T is an adversarial training technique that combines the strengths of augmentation and abstraction techniques. The key idea underlying A3T is to decompose the perturbation space into two subsets, one that can be explored using augmentation and one that can be abstracted.

The structure of this repository:

  • DSL: contains our domain specific language for specifying the perturbation space. We also include a generalized version of HotFlip in this folder.
  • dataset: prepares the SST2 dataset. The synonyms we used can be found at this website, and we used English-Lexical-S Size. The adjacent keyboard mapping can be found at here.
  • diffai: is a submodule containing the implementation of A3T built on top of diffai.

Reproducing Results in the Paper

To reproduce results in the paper, please see the artifacts tag. The main branch of this repository is a library that supports general and easy usage of A3T with experiment scripts removed and code refactored. We also uploaded our checkpoints here.


We encourage users to use virtual environments such as pyenv or conda.

From pip

Get A3T using pip:

pip install a3t

From source

git clone https://github.com/ForeverZyh/A3T.git
cd A3T
python setup.py install


Sometimes you may need to downgrade numpy to 1.16.1 and/or Pillow to 6.1.0 by

pip uninstall numpy && pip install numpy==1.16.1
pip uninstall Pillow && pip install Pillow==6.1.0

Get Started

We provide the training process of a word-level model and a char-level model on the SST2 dataset. Please see the tests/test_run.py for details.

Prepare the Dataset and the Model

The default save directory is /tmp/.A3T, but one can also specify their own path (see Glove.build() in a3t/dataset/dataset_loader.py).

Use the following code to load the word-level model and sst2 word dataset:

from a3t.dataset.dataset_loader import SST2WordLevel, Glove

# Load the Glove embedding 6B.50d
Glove.build(6, 50)

Use the following code the load the char-level model and sst2 char dataset:

from a3t.dataset.dataset_loader import SST2CharLevel


The loadDataset in a3t.diffai.helpers can help to load the dataset. The method accepts four arguments (one optional)

def loadDataset(dataset, batch_size, type, test_slice=None):
    load the dataset
    :param dataset: the name of the dataset, currently support SST2CharLevel and SST2WordLevel
    :param batch_size: the batch size of the dataset loader
    :param type: "train", "val", "test"
    :param test_slice: select a slice of the data
    :return: a dataset loader

Customize the String Transformations

In general, A3T supports customized string transformations provided by the users. The DSL.transformation contains several string transformations already defined and used in the experiments of the paper, namely, Sub, SubChar, Del, Ins, InsChar, and Swap. Among those transformations, Sub, SubChar, and Swap are labeled as length-preserving transformations, which allows robust training.

One can define their own string transformations by implementing the abstract class Transformation and two functions get_pos and transformer as described in our paper. get_pos accepts a list of input tokens and returns a list of position pairs (start, end). transformer accepts a list of input tokens and a start-end position pair and returns an iterator which enumerates the possible transformations at the start-end position.

Define a perturbation space

A perturbation space is in the form of [(Trans_1, delta_1), ..., (Trans_n, delta_n)]. Ideally, the perturbation is a set of the string transformations, but we use a list to store the perturbation space. In other words, we impose an order in the perturbation space, which will effect the HotFlip attack (see TODO in GeneralHotFlipAttack.gen_adv).

from a3t.DSL.transformation import Sub, SubChar, Del, Ins, InsChar, Swap

word_perturbation = [(Sub(True), 2), (Ins(), 2), (Del(), 2)]
char_perturbation = [(SubChar(True), 2), (InsChar(True), 2), (Del(), 2), (Swap(), 2)]


Published Work

Yuhao Zhang, Aws Albarghouthi, Loris D’Antoni, Robustness to Programmable String Transformations via Augmented Abstract Training.
