Extensible Video Processing Framework

pip install aEye==1.2.4



Extensible Video Processing Framework with Additional Features Continuously Deployed

Project Structure

├──  aEye				contains video class and processor class that manage from loading, processing and uploading
│   ├── video.py
|   ├── auxiliary.py
|   ├── extractor.py
|   ├── labeler.py
│   ├── auxiliary.py
├──  tests				contains unit tests
│   ├── test_get_meta_data.py
│   ├── conftest.py
│   ├── test_data
│      ├── test_video.mp4
├── setup.py

Inital project setup

  1. clone/pull this repo to local machine
git clone https://github.com/DISHDevEx/aEye.git
  1. Run the following command to create the wheel file
python setup.py bdist_wheel --version <VERSION_NUMBER>

NOTE: the <VERSION_NUMBER> only effects your local build. You can use any version number you like. This can be helpful in testing prior to submitting a pull request. Alternatively, you can eclude the --version <VERSION_NUMBER> flag and the .whl file name will output as aEye-VERSION_PLACEHOLDER-py3-none-any.whl

  1. Install the necessary requirements and wheel file
!pip install -r requirements.txt
!pip install *.whl
  1. Run below to import in jyputer-notebook
import boto3
import cv2
from aEye.video import Video
from aEye.auxiliary import Aux
from aEye.labeler import Labeler
from aEye.extractor import Extractor
  1. Initalize the auxiliary class. This creates a temporary directory for output files
aux = Aux()
# This class can download and upload videos, as well as executing pending labels
  1. Load the video from the desired bucket and folder.
video_list_s3 = aux.load_s3(bucket = 'aeye-data-bucket', prefix = 'input_video/')
  1. Initalize the labeler and extractor
label = Labeler()
# This is used to apply labels like 'crop', 'trim', etc to a video object

extract = Extractor()
# This is used to extract frames as PNG's 

How to process videos using Labeler and Extractor:

The labeler provides multiple actions that can be applied to a video or a list of videos. Each action takes a video or list of videos as its first parameter and returns a modified video or list of videos. To chain multiple labels together, you can pass the output of one process as the input for the next process.


# Trimming the video from 1 second to 9 seconds
to_process = label.trim_video_start_end(video_list_s3, 1, 9)

# Trimming the resulting video to 60 frames
to_process = label.trim_num_frames(to_process, 10, 60)

# Execute the processing labels and write the processed videos locally
output_video_list = aux.execute_label_and_write_local(to_process)

# Note: This example will create a 60-frame long clip, not an 8-second one.

If you want to create two different trims, you will need to execute via Aux in between those two operations:

to_process = label.trim_video_start_end(video_list_s3, 1, 9)
processed = aux.execute_label_and_write_local(to_process)

processed = label.trim_num_frames(processed, 10, 60)
output_video_list = aux.execute_label_and_write_local(processed)

# This will create two videos, one from time 1 to 9, and another 60 frame clip.

The image extractor can extract frames from a video using openCV!

Important note: Image extraction is executed the moment it is called! If you want to extract frames with processing, you must execute the video processing commands first using aux.execute_label_and_write_local(video_list).

Keep in mind that processor modifications are not applied until the aux.execute_label_and_write_local(list) command is performed. Any image extraction that happens prior to an execution will not have any modifications applied. The framework allows frames to be extracted at any point while processing, but if there are pending processor modifications, a warning will be raised, and the resulting images will come from the original source. The execution order affects frame capture.


label.change_resolution(video_list_s3, "720p")
extract.specific_frame_extractor(aux, video_list_s3, 42)  # These screenshots will NOT be in 720p

# Because the video modifications have not been executed, the images will come from the original video.

label.change_resolution(video_list_s3, "720p")
output_list = aux.execute_label_and_write_local(to_process)
process.cv_extract_specific_frame(output_list, 42)  # These screenshots WILL be in 720p!

# Because the rescale was executed, the resulting screenshot is in 720p!

All Label Utility:

#All Util should be preceeded with "label." (ex label.change_resolution)
resize_by_ratio(x_ratio, y_ratio,target) -> Add label of resizing video by multiplying width by the ratio to video.

change_resolution(video_list, desired_res) -> Changes the resolution to a 'standard' resolution.

trim_video_start_end(video_list, start, end) -> Given start and end times in seconds, modified a trimmed down version of the video to the modified file.

trim_into_clips(video_list, interval) -> Splits the video into X second clips, sends all these clips to output folder.

trim_on_frame(video_list, frame) -> Given a specific frame, start the video there, removes any preceding frames.

trim_num_frames(video_list, start_frame, num_frames) -> Given a start frame and the amount of frames that a user wants "
to copy, splits the video to all of the frames within that frame range.

crop_video_section(video_list, start_x, start_y, width, height) -> Create a width x height crop of the input video starting at pixel values"\
start_x, start_y and sends the smaller video to the modified file.

blur_video(video_list, blur_level, blur_steps) -> Adds the blur_level amount of blur blur_steps amount of times to a video.

set_bitrate(video_list, desired_bitrate) -> Sets the bitrate at which the video will re-encode to.

change_fps(video_list, new_framerate) -> Sets the framerate at which the video will re-encode. Note, reducing the 
bitrate in comparison to the original will result in a loss of some i/b frames, but the output duration will remain the same. 

grayscale(video_list) -> Applies a grayscale filter to all videos in video_list.

All Extract Utility:

frame_at_time_extractor(aux, video_list, time) -> Given a time (can be a float), find the closest B-Frame and extract it

specific_frame_extractor(aux, video_list, frame) -> Extract the exact frame you pass as a PNG

multiple_frame_extractor(aux, video_list, start_frame, num_frames) -> Beginning at start_frame, extract the next num_frames


Please note the following limitations of the framework:

Frames cannot be extracted from a source that has been previously executed in the processor pipeline. The TRIM_INTO_CLIPS operation must be executed last. It creates multiple output videos from a single input, and these outputs cannot be processed further. Here's an example of using the labeler utility to downsize, crop, and trim a video:

to_process = label.trim_video_start_end(video_list_s3, 1, 9)              #Trims from 1s to 9s

to_process = label.change_resolution(to_process, "720p")                  #Converts to 720p

final_video_list = label.crop_video_section(to_process, 0, 0, 150, 100)   #Creates a 150x100 crop at (0,0)
  1. Use auxiliary class to execute and write the videos with labels.
  1. Processing can create a lot of files! After, if you don't want to upload the generated files, you can use the following command to clean up:
  1. Finally, you can upload the processed videos to the desired bucket using the upload_s3 function:
aux.upload_s3(res_trimmed_s3, bucket = 'aeye-data-bucket')
  1. Finish by removing the temp folder.

The following steps are to load and write locally.

  1. Load video files from data/ folder
video_list_local = aux.load_local('data/')
  1. Add Trim label for the local video files.
trimmed_local = label.trim_on_frame(video_list_local, 501)

#Creates a video starting from frame 501 of src
  1. Execute all labels and write the output to data/ folder.