
Alliance Auth Wiki Plugin

allianceauth, simplewiki
pip install aa-simplewiki==2.0.2



A simple wiki plugin for alliance auth. It supports multiple pages with different sections. Every page and every section can have their own icon. Written in Python with Django.


Current Features

  • Create custom wiki menus with dropdowns plus different sections on each menu
  • Add an icon next to menus or sections
  • Edit pages on the admin panel with markdown
    • Support for all major GitHub markdown features
    • Support for videos (YouTube and Vimeo)
    • Support for alerts and Google Drive
  • Search function: Search across all wiki menus and sections
  • Permission system:
    • Editor permissions can be added to single users or groups via the admin panel
    • Alliance Auth groups are synced to simplewiki: Certain pages can only be seen by a specific group
    • Multiple groups support: As long as the user is in any of the required groups, they can access the menu
  • Editor interface
    • Users with editor permission can create, edit and delete custom menus and sections (editor_access)
    • Users with editor permission see edit and delete buttons above all sections (editor_access)
    • Change menu position's with a drag and drop system


  • Quality-of-life updates
  • Implement better logging
  • Improve code documentation
  • Markdown
    • Buttons


  • Add translations for
    • German
    • Spanish
    • Chinese
    • Russian
    • Korean
    • French
    • Italian

Active devs:



Admin Panel

Menu Admin

Menu Edit

Menu Sorting


Alliance Auth Production

Non-Docker Version

1.) Install the pip package via pip install aa-simplewiki

2.) Add simplewiki to your INSTALLED_APPS in your projects local.py

3.) Restart your server, then run migrations and collectstatic

Docker Version

1.) Please make sure you followed the custom docker-image tutorial here:

2.) Edit your conf/requirements and add the following line aa-simplewiki (Check https://pypi.org/project/aa-simplewiki/ for different versions!)

3.) Add simplewiki to your INSTALLED_APPS in your projects local.py

4.) Start your server docker compose --env-file=.env up -d

5.) Run docker compose exec allianceauth bash

7.) Run auth migrate

8.) Run auth collectstatic

Alliance Auth Development

Make sure you have installed alliance auth in the correct way: https://allianceauth.readthedocs.io/en/latest/development/dev_setup/index.html

1.) Download the repo git clone https://github.com/meowosaurus/aa-simplewiki

2.) Make sure it's under the root folder aa-dev, not under myauth

3.) Change directory into aa-dev aand run pip install -e aa-simplewiki

Important: If you are getting an error saying that simplewiki is not installed after running pip install -e aa-simplewiki, delete the setup.py file in the aa-simplewiki root directory and try again.

4.) Add simplewiki to your INSTALLED_APPS in your projects local.py

5.) Change directory into myauth

6.) Make migrations with python manage.py makemigrations

7.) Migrate with python manage.py migrate

8.) Restart auth with python manage.py runserver


Check out our wiki on GitHub: https://github.com/meowosaurus/aa-simplewiki/wiki

1.) Go to {your_auth_url}/admin -> SimpleWiki -> Add Menu Item

2.) Give it a title, an index (menu items are sorted by their index from low to high) and a name (the name is the name in the url) and hit save.

3.) Go to {your_auth_url}/admin -> SimpleWiki -> Add Page Item

4.) Give it a title, a menu page (this is the menu page it will be under), an index (ordered from low to high) and a content description. This description will be the main content and you can use HTML. Hit save.

5.) Go back to your main auth page, go under Wiki and you've created your first menu and page.


Perm Admin Site Auth Site
basic_access None Can view all wiki pages
editor_access None Can create, edit and delete wiki pages and menus


  • Migrate all data from 1.0.x to 1.1.1 to use new model system: python manage.py simplewiki_migrate_v1_1
  • Migrate section data from 1.1.1 and later to 1.1.3 to add author details: python manage.py simplewiki_migrate_v1_3



  • On Discord: meowlicious