
A tool to create accessible audio diagrams

Accessibility, Accessible, Assistive, Blind, Visually, impaired, Low, vision, Screenreader
pip install acadia==0.1.1



An audio alternative of conventional diagrms for blind and visually impaired people

Acadia stands for accessible audio diagrams, the tool designed to assist blind and visually impaired people to get access to representation of numeric data.


When dealing with really big amounts of numbers, it is common practice to use some kind of plot or diagram. Indeed, with those graphic objects one can study numeric data in a very natural way, clearly and efficiently making vivid impressions of different entities through their shapes almost instantaneously. It is more than convenient in most cases So an approach to data representation is considered to be strictly visual without any alternative. Given that, there is the problem for those who happen to be blind or visually impaired.

Of course, with assistive technologies like screenreading program or Braile display those users can get access to the data itself, but in case of hundreds and thousands of numbers they are of little help. A solution that would provide blind people with alternative of visual representation of numeric data is needed.

Obviously, if it cannot be visual, it has to be either tactile or audial. An audial approach looks like more preferable, because it, probably, can be implemented without any additional hardware.

Concept formulation

Let us take a classic example of two-dimensional linear diagram. All we need is to provide an audio alternative for its contour defined by vertical and horizontal coordinates. For that purpose we can try to use frequency of a signal and its position within the stereo basis. However, the nature of aural perception is immanently temporal, whereas the nature of visual perception is spatial. Thus the problem is that the third dimension, time itself, cannot be fully excluded like the third dimension in case of conventional charting. We have to try to reduce it as much as possible if our goal is to emulate graphic representation, which perception is almost instantaneous.

Note: We can theoretically have even the fourth dimension, expressed through sound pressure, so the audio representation of numeric data can potentially give us quite unusual and promicing opportunities even beyond the context of accessibility.

For the present our goal is to create something like "audio snapshot", assuming that several seconds would be quite enough to create a mental image of the data representation.

Subject area exploration

There is a project called the Accessible Graphs Project , that exploits more or less the same idea. You can install a client with pip and then upload your data to a web application. Once it is done, a representation opens in a default browser. It is accessible not only with audio interface, but also with a screenreader and a Braille display. Though the main concept seems to be realized, there are some features that, in our humble opinion, decrease its practical meaning:

  • the number of values that can be represented is limited to 29 items
  • presence of an Internet connection is vital
  • valid data types are only list and dict
  • inability to integrate into third-party applications
  • the only supported OS is Windows

Moreover, however the "read entire graph" button is mentioned, it is absent and you have a single option to move through the representation manually, entry by entry. The latter could be a good extra feature, but only when combined with an ability to provide an instant impression. Once again, that ability is the very thing that makes visual plots so handy. Now we should take those drawbacks into account and try to create a tool which

  • does not have any inherent limitations in terms of amount of data being processed
  • does not need an Internet connection to work properly
  • supports numpy arrays
  • can be embedded into a Jupyter notebook
  • is OS-independent

And finally, we need to make our audio diagram as quick as a glance.

Data processing

So far so good, to get a result we just need to realize a number of steps. The pipeline could look like this:

  • get the values for both dimensions, x and y
  • scale them to fit the range of audible frequencies and width of stereo basis (let us take the range between 220 and 7040 Hz and -45 and 45 degrees)
  • synthesize mono signal (for example sine wave with 44100 samples per second and duration of 10 or 50 milliseconds) for each value y multiply mono signal by amplitude determined by value x in order to produce a stereo signal
  • build a collection of those signals
  • send it to sound device

Solution structure

It was decided to implement the solution in an object-oriented manner and establish several classes encapsulating logic for

  • production of single stereo signal (class Tone)
  • scaling coordinates(class Space)
  • transformation the coordinates into collection of stereo signals(class Shape), the key entity of the solution
  • highly specialized "bar chart" construction (class Histogram, a derivative of Shape)

There are also several public methods defined in Shape class:

  • to_device() to send values to sound device using sounddevice module.
  • to_wav() - to create a wav-file from values using soundfile module.
  • switch(mode) - to switch the mode of the shape between fast and slow
  • add(x, y) - to add an embedded object of the same type

The SAMPLERATE constant contains standard sampling rate value 44100 Hz.

Shape logic

Once we evoke Shape's constructor, it creates and configures an instance ready to produce the values. The process itself starts only when the 'values' property is called. If there are embedded Shapes, the values are accessed recursively and there is no difference if they are or not and what the depth is.

Inside Tone class the values are also being manufactured only when they are needed and what we have is a very lightweighted object which contains only its configuration.

The most important logic is encapsulated inside private methods __tone() and __pan():

# synthesis   of sine wave with given parameters

t = np.linspace(0, self.duration, int(SAMPLERATE * self.duration), False)
return np.sin(2 * np.pi * self.frequency * t)
# its panning
left = (
    / 2.0
    * (np.cos(self.deviation) - np.sin(self.deviation))
    * values
right = (
    / 2.0
    * (np.cos(self.deviation) + np.sin(self.deviation))
    * values
return np.vstack((left, right))


Assume we already have values x and y for plotting, the first thing that we do is calling Shape's constructor taking x and y as arguments. Also it has an optional parameter "mode", which determins the length of each segment of our plot and consequently it final "appearance". There are two valid options: 'fast' (10 milliseconds) and 'slow' (50 milliseconds). Default is 'fast'. Then we can add one or whatever number is needed sets of coordinates so we have several shapes through a single object. Next and finally we can send our shape to_device() or to_wav(), switch() the mode or change its parameters and then repeat once again or, in case of Jupyter notebook, just call Audio() function with the values.


Jupyter or not

When in context of Jupyter notebook, it is strongly recommended to use IPython.display.Audio() function instead of calling to_device() method. That function places in the notebook play/pause control right below the cell, so you can launch the sound any time you like without necessity of repeated cell execution. It takes two arguments - values of Shape object and sampling rate (44100).

from IPython.display import Audio
sr = 1000
f = 7
x = np.arange(1000)
y = np.sin(2 * np.pi * f * x / sr)
sinusoid  = Shape(x, y)
Audio(sinusoid.values, rate=44100)

#or replace just the last line  like this: 



To create a histogram, you can use the Shape object with proper x and y, yet there is an option to use an instance of the dedicated class Histogram. It inherits all the methods and attributes from Shape, but its constructor takes a distribution as an argument (and a variaty of optional keyword arguments as well).

from scipy.stats import norm
normal_distribution = norm.rvs(size=10000)
histogram = Histogram(normal_distribution,
# or, with the same result
histogram = Histogram(normal_distribution)
# and either
Audio(histogram.values, rate=44100)
# or just


Finally, we have a python library that is designed to provide an audio representation of numeric data of various kinds without any graphic component. Its main features:

  • a simple intuitive interface
  • the Shape object generates values, that can be
    • played via sound device
    • sent to Audio() function when in Jupyter notebook
    • saved into a wav-file
  • an amount of data processed is limited only to the characteristics of hardware and resulting time capacity
  • OS-independence
  • scalable structure

It can be applied as a kind of assistive technology in education, for teaching topics regarding trigonometry, mathematical statistics, probability theory and so on to blind students, within the framework of academic and applied studies in data science, data analysis, economics, sociology and anywhere else where it is necessary to represent big amounts of numbers, as a substitute of conventional diagrams. The library is available via pip install:

pip install acadia

The author sincerely hopes that the tool would be helpful for blind and visually impaired people around the world and the project has a bright future. There are already some further steps in the pipeline (of course, the four-dimensional diagram is the most intriguing) Any suggestions of possible improvement, any form of collaboration, help and feedback are kindly appreciated.