With ackg for Linux you can search folders of your harddrive for source files containing a given pattern, similar to grep.
As ackg does not search all files, but only files that are supposed to contain code, it can be faster than grep.
It attempts to be a more convenient method of calling GNU find, xargs, (or parallel) and grep, by providing better default options and command line structure.
ackg was inspired by ack-grep a.k.a. just ack, whichis more portable than ackg.
Copyright(C) 2012 Thibault Kruse BSD License
For installation (and update to latest version) use pip:
$ sudo pip install -U ackg
Source code and issue tracker at:
ackg is a command line tool.
usage: ackg [OPTIONS] PATTERN [PATH*]
- OPTIONS allows to change the behavior
- PATTERN defines what you search for
- PATH is a list of locations to search, defaults to current folder
See ackg --help for more details
Most useful options:
-j=N runs your search in parallel, using multiple CPU cores if you have them. j=-1 is the default using one job less than the number of CPUs. See GNU parallel help on -j option. --dry tells you what command ackg runs, you can copy this and tweak it further. Note you have to have GNU parallel installed for that option.
Why ackg?
ackg attempt to make life easier for developers new to the command line. grep is a useful tool to search files, but it does not have convenient default behavior with respect to files you usually do not want to search in as a developer, such a binary files, temporary files, or files in version control repository folders like .svn or .git.
ackg was created as an alternative to ack-grep. ack-grep does whitelisted code-search, but reinvents the wheel by reimplementing search, and it is written in Perl, which is not everyone's cup of tea. The only advantage ack-grep has over ackg is portability to other operating systems.
ackg is usually faster than ack-grep because it relies on optimized code written in C to do the heavy lifting, and because it offers to parallelize jobs, making full use of multiple CPUs.
ackg is free and open, you can read the code and contribute.
Under Linux, grep -ir PATTERN FOLDER* will get you a long way. You can make that your default behavior for searching within files. In comparison to ackg, it will return some results you never cared about, and it might be slower, though it can also be faster, in particular for small searches.
ack-grep is useful for other operating systems, and it provides some options ackg does not provide.
grin is another project that attempts to provide a more convenient code search, but follows a different strategy. It does not even come close to whitelisted search in terms of search performance, but may still be your thing.
Combinations of find and grep exist that you might prefer.
If you search the same files regularly, indexed search can boost your speed even more. Examples are Tracker, Beagle and Google Desktop.
For searching for function names in programming languages, tagging solutions exist for most languages, but you have to read up on that.
How does it work?
ackg creates a command that is run on the command line, and you can see what it would run by using the --dry command.
As one example, the command:
$ ackg foo
is translated to:
$ find . -type f -not -iwholename '*/_darcs/*' -not -iwholename '*/SCCS/*' -not -iwholename '*/.hg/*' -not -iwholename '*/blib/*' -not -iwholename '*/*' -not -iwholename '*/_MTN/*' -not -iwholename '*/_sgbak/*' -not -iwholename '*/cover_db/*' -not -iwholename '*/CVS/*' -not -iwholename '*/.pc/*' -not -iwholename '*/.cdv/*' -not -iwholename '*/.bzr/*' -not -iwholename '*/autom4te.cache/*' -not -iwholename '*/~.dep/*' -not -iwholename '*/~.plst/*' -not -iwholename '*/.svn/*' -not -iwholename '*/~.nib/*' -not -iwholename '*/RCS/*' -not -iwholename '*/.git/*' -not -iwholename '*/_build/*' -regex '\(.*/[^.]*\)\|\(.*\.\(c\|h\|xs\|txt\|rst\|md\|me\|vim\|m\|h\|hs\|lhs\|cs\|go\|pt\|cpt\|metadata\|cpy\|py\|xml\|dtd\|xsl\|xslt\|ent\|java\|properties\|yaml\|yml\|tt\|tt2\|ttml\|pl\|pm\|pm6\|pod\|t\|f\|f77\|f90\|f95\|f03\|for\|ftn\|fpp\|ada\|adb\|ads\|scm\|ss\|sh\|bash\|csh\|tcsh\|ksh\|zsh\|py\|rake\|h\|rb\|rhtml\|rjs\|rxml\|erb\|rake\|spec\|groovy\|gtmpl\|gpp\|grunit\|erl\|hrl\|pir\|pasm\|pmc\|ops\|pod\|pg\|tg\|lisp\|lsp\|tcl\|itcl\|itk\|bas\|cls\|frm\|ctl\|vb\|resx\|vhd\|vhdl\|el\|bat\|cmd\|tex\|cls\|sty\|bib\|faq\|man\|st\|scala\|pas\|int\|dfm\|nfm\|dof\|dpk\|dproj\|groupproj\|bdsgroup\|bdsproj\|mas\|mhtml\|mpl\|mtxt\|lua\|htm\|html\|shtml\|xhtml\|v\|vh\|sv\|as\|mxml\|css\|js\|jsp\|jspx\|jhtm\|jhtml\|sql\|ctl\|php\|phpt\|php3\|php4\|php5\|pht\|asm\|s\|mm\|h\|ml\|mli\|cpp\|cc\|cxx\|m\|hpp\|hh\|h\|hxx\|clj\|cfc\|cfm\|cfml\|mk\|mak\|make\|cmake\)$\)' -print0 | sort -z | xargs -0 -n 1000 grep --binary-files=without-match --color --line-number --with-filename foo | group_grep_output -k foo
Which would you rather type?
Looking a bit closer, the command looks like this:
$ find . [options] -print0 | xargs -n 1000 [options] grep [options] | group_grep_output [options]
- find returns all files that satisfy the criteria given, which excludes certain folders and whitelists files by extention.
- xargs splits this list into chunks of 1000, and for each chunk invokes grep
- grep takes the argument foo and the list of files and prints the results
- group_grep_output formats the grep output like ack-grep
How much faster is ackg to ackgrep?
First of all I am neither an expert on file search nor on benchmarks, so if I made a mistake in the following, please contact me (e.g. by creating an issue on github).
Obviously this depends on plenty of circumstances. Any benchmark is flawed, but I created a benchmark anyway as evidence to my claim. You can run the script test/benchmark/ yourself. It downloads the Linux kernel as a sample for a large codebase, and searches for the word 'system' in the files using different methods.
The results I got were:
2012-09-30 CPUs: 8 Python 2.7.2+ (default, Oct 4 2011, 20:06:09) [GCC 4.6.1] ('Ubuntu', '11.10', 'oneiric') 3.0.0-26-generic ('64bit', 'ELF') x86_64 ack-grep 1.92 Running under Perl 5.12.4 'grep -r system': 4.28649616241, 4.29447007179 'ackg --cpp -m 1000000 system': 7.71272993088, 7.7925620079 'ackg --cpp system': 8.59431195259, 8.58715605736 'ackg system': 8.59835219383, 8.63630700111 'ackg --cpp -j=4 system': 10.3086640835, 10.1002981663 'ack-grep --cpp system': 18.235612154, 18.1877188683 'ack-grep system': 82.6627929211, 82.7030930519 'ack-grep --no-group system': 82.8340058327, 82.9688789845
The numbers are the length of the runs. Grep alone rules this field, and ackg can be in the same order by using a large argument to -m, which will basically just call grep once with whitelisted files. For the case of not specifying a filetype, this is by one order of magnitude.
Note that to ackg, it does not matter much performance-wise to restrict the search to c++ files, whereas to ack-grep that changes alot. Obviously you get more results without that restriction. Also note in this case the parallel option made things worse, so parallel search does not bring a benefit in this case.
The other case is searching with the -i/--ignore-case option on:
'ackg -i -j 4 --cpp system': 15.642608881, 15.7389969826 'ack-grep -i --cpp system': 22.4900281429, 22.8398988247 'ackg -i -j 2 --cpp system': 26.7036519051, 26.8606569767 'ackg -i -j 150% --cpp system': 26.7330582142, 27.1521790028 'ackg -i --cpp system': 44.4448950291, 44.3980340958 'ackg -i -j -1 --cpp system': 49.479544878, 49.5985279083 'grep -ir system': 190.462072134, 191.806163073
As you can see grep is far off, whereas ackg -j 4 beats ack-grep. Note ackg without the -j option performs much worse than ack-grep.
I tried combining find parallel and ack-grep, but ack-grep did not like acting as a filter and getting filenames.
What options are the fastest?
This depends on several circumstances, things to tweak are the -m option deciding how many files each grep commands get, the -j option deciding whether to use GNU parallel instead of xargs, the value to -j deciding the number of jobs to use.
Why Python?
I don't claim Python to be the best choice, but I like Python and it's the script-language I have the most experience with.
Why GNU parallel instead of xargs -P?
xargs -P jumbles the file order, and older versions seem to interleave output. but --xargs option uses xargs when -j is given.
Get GNU parallel here: It is also part of Ubuntu package moreutils, but not as a recent version.
Known Limitations/TODOs
- -j option may break colored output
- -j default=4 may not be well chosen
- would be good to offer more of the grep options
- would be good to consider grep variants, agrep, fgrep
- --sorted causes output to start later
- highlighting might not work with certain regular expressions
- grouping is vulnerable to other formatting
- argument order seems to cause bugs sometimes, needs fixing
- searching non-binaries without extension (scripts) is a bad default behavior
- --help does not yet show type --options like --cpp etc.
- more docs needed, examples etc.
- more unit tests needed
- need to test on other systems (Unix, BSD) and python3
- would be good to read .ackrc
- need to support more inverse options if supporting ackrc
0.0.5 (2013-03-08)
- fix find command broken with 0.0.4
- restore inclusion of scriptfiles (files without extention) for script language types
- integartion tests
0.0.4 (2013-03-08)
- fix #2 include CMakeLists.txt for make
- fix #1 folders listed with newlines now
- some docu
- fix variable not initialized error
0.0.3 (2013-06-03)
- fix #3 missing hyphens around search pattern
0.0.2 (2012-09-30)
- grouped output
- options --sorted, --ack, --xargs,
- -i option not default
- benchmark added
- several small bugs fixed
0.0.1 (2012-09-29)
- initial version