ADA Sentiment Explorer Python API

pip install adase-api==0.3.5



ADA Sentiment Explorer API


Alpha Data Analytics ("ADA") is a data analytics company, core product is ADA Sentiment Explorer (“ADASE”), build on an opinion monitoring technology that intelligently reads news sources and social platforms into machine-readable indicators. It is designed to provide unbiased visibility of people's opinions as a driving force of capital markets, political processes, demand prediction or marketing

ADA's vision is to democratise advanced AI-system supporting decisions, that benefit data proficient people and small- or medium- quantitative institutions.

ADASE supports keyword and topic engines, as explained below

To install

pip install adase-api

Keyword search engine

Query syntax

  • Each condition is placed inside of round brackets (), where
    • + indicates a search term must be found
    • and - excludes it
  • Multiple conditions can be combined with logical operators
    • OR
    • AND
  • Also you can separate by comma "," multiple requests for a parallel processing as below:
    • "(+Bitcoin -Luna) OR (+ETH), (+crypto)"
    • Will return matches to data that hit Bitcoin or ETH but not Luna for the first query, and crypto for the second
    • Amount of sub-queries is not limited and is executed in parallel

To use API you need to provide API credentials as environment variables

import os
os.environ['ADA_API_USERNAME'] = ""
os.environ['ADA_API_PASSWORD'] = "p@ssw0rd"

adase_api.query.Explorer class has more configurations described in the docstring

from adase_api import query

q = "(+Bitcoin -Luna) OR (+ETH), (+crypto)"
df = query.load_frame(q, engine='keyword', start_date='2022-01-01', end_date='2022-05-29')

Returns coverage, hits, score and score_coverage to a pandas dataframe

query                      (+Bitcoin -Luna) OR (+ETH)                      (+crypto)                     
                                       coverage       hits     score  coverage       hits     score
date_time           source                                                                         
2022-05-27 11:00:00 all                0.026520  36.676056  0.218439  0.055207  76.487535  0.267412
2022-05-27 12:00:00 all                0.026497  36.668539  0.216516  0.055200  76.518006  0.267331
2022-05-27 13:00:00 all                0.026443  36.616246  0.215001  0.055238  76.554017  0.266730
2022-05-27 14:00:00 all                0.026442  36.605042  0.213506  0.055187  76.481994  0.266553
2022-05-27 15:00:00 all                0.026452  36.647059  0.212794  0.055199  76.512465  0.265416

Since data is weekly seasonal, a 7-day rolling average is applied by default

Topic embedding search engine

Topic syntax

  • In contrast with keyword based search, topic syntax allows to query data in a fuzzy way. It works the best when 2-5 words describe some wider concepts, examples:
    • "NASDAQ technology index"
    • "Airline travel demand"
    • "Energy disruptions in Europe"
  • Such queries will include related concept
    • for "NASDAQ technology index" it might also consider terms as "Dow Jones", "FAANG", "FTSE" etc.
    • exact structure depends mostly on how topics co-occur together
    • intuition behind is that NASDAQ is US tech stock index, but if data contains strong signals from FTSE, a British blue chip index, or Dow Jones, less tech heavy index, this will also have an impact on query of interest
    • to reflect changing world situation, underlying models are constantly re-trained making sure relations are up-to-date
from adase_api import query

q = "inflation rates, OPEC cartel"
df = query.load_frame(q, engine='topic', start_date='2022-01-01')
query                      inflation rates                      OPEC cartel                     
                                  coverage       hits     score    coverage       hits     score
date_time           source                                                                      
2022-05-26 07:00:00 media         0.002947   6.220238 -0.059335    0.001945   5.619048 -0.034639
                    social        0.008054  50.779762  0.023118    0.003774  29.595238  0.022136
2022-05-26 08:00:00 avg           0.004778  24.073413  0.002614    0.002553  15.003968  0.007849
                    corp          0.000297   0.565476  0.054003    0.000384   0.761905  0.050364
                    media         0.002935   6.172619 -0.060830    0.001940   5.595238 -0.034008
                    social        0.008023  50.416667  0.024123    0.003775  29.482143  0.020868
2022-05-26 09:00:00 avg           0.004770  23.942460  0.004983    0.002540  14.908730  0.009729
                    corp          0.000297   0.565476  0.054003    0.000384   0.761905  0.050364
                    media         0.002950   6.125000 -0.057586    0.001922   5.523810 -0.028692
                    social        0.007991  50.202381  0.025980    0.003767  29.363095  0.019497

it's visible data feed comes detailed per source type:

  • media indicates newspapers, TV, radio and other mass media
  • social includes social platforms and blogs
  • corp covers corporate communication as company newsrooms and regulatory filings
  • avg is a weighted average of all

In case you don't have yet the credentials, you can sign up for free

  • Data available since January 1, 2006
  • Easy way to explore or backtest
  • In a trial version data lags 24-hours
  • Probably something else? Hopefully this data could inspire for some innovative solutions to your problem

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