
Utility for normalizing (Prisoner-centric) street addresses

pip install addresscleaner==0.1.0


Betwen the Bars address cleaner

This is a simple library to clean and normalize textual addresses. It is biased toward the sorts of addresses people in prison are given.

Example usage

from addresscleaner import parse_address, format_address

>>> parsed = parse_address("""John Dough
... #1234567
... 7819 228th St.
... Raiford, FL 32026-1120""")
>>> print parsed
{'name': 'John Dough', 'address1': '#1234567', 'address2': '7819 228th St.', 'city': 'Raiford',  'state': 'FL', 'zip': '32026-1120'}

>>> format_address(parsed)
u'John Dough\n#1234567\n7819 228th St.\nRaiford, FL  32026-1120'

An exception of type addresscleaner.AddressException is raised if the parser is unable to figure out something about the address. The exception's message tries to explain as much as possible where it went wrong.