
Advanced mathematical captcha generator and

capecha, mathematics
pip install adv-math-captcha-ostrichb==0.9.10



An advanced mathematical captcha for simple human verification.

How to use

This is an example to make an verification:

from adv-math-captcha import Captcha

if __name__ == '__main__':
    formula1 = Captcha(5, 4, 15, 10, 50, 5, 5)
    inp = input("Solve this simple question: {0} = ".format(formula1.formula_str))
    if formula1.verify(float(inp)):
        print("Verify success!")
        print("Verify failed! The correct answer is {0:.0f}!".format(float(formula1.evaluation)))


This module only provides one class with only one method. To make a captcha, just use Captcha(difficulty, term, number_range), which is the shortest form. If you wanna use more parameters, use Captcha(difficulty, term, number_range, factor_range, exponentiation_range, exp_base_range, exp_index_range)

Details: (All the parameters are integers)

  • difficulty: Decides the difficulty of the generated expression. Valid value is 1-5 in integer.
    • 1: Only additions
    • 2: Additions and subtractions
    • 3: Operations in 2, with Mutliplications and divisions (For divisions, the result will always be an integer)
    • 4: Operations in 3, with exponentiation calculations
    • 5: Operations in 4, with logarithm calculations (The result will always in simple form to insure the result is reducable, for example, 'ln(e^3)', 'log_2 (8)')
  • term: Determines how many items will appear in an expression. Althogh there is no limits, don't be too much, or it will be hard to get the answer. :) (P.S. an division will be counted as one item. E.g. (6 / 3) )
  • number_range: Determines the range of the coefficient.
  • factor_range: Determines the range of division results and dominators. Default value is 10.
  • exponentiation_range: Determines the range of exponential calculation. Default value is 50.
  • exp_base_range: Determines the range of base number. Default value is 6.
  • exp_index_range: Determines the range of index number. Default value is 5.

Once you initialized an captcha object, you can get the expression string from Captcha.formula_str variable in class, or make an verification using the Captcha.verify(user_input). A True will be returned if the verification is successful, or False if failed.

You can also get the actual value of the expression from Captcha.evaluation variable.


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