Solutions to Advent of Code problems (2015-2024) in Rust.
For learning and demonstration purposes, this repository contains additional resources building on the solutions:
crates/core: The solutions themselves as a library and a command-line tool.
- Published as a crate.
- The command-line tool is wrapped in Docker and published to Docker Hub.
- The command-line tool is also published as a homebrew tap.
- No unsafe code.
crates/grpc-server: Server with a gRPC API using tonic.
- Deployed to
crates/http-server: Server with a HTTP API using axum.
- Deployed to
- API is described by a OpenAPI interface at
- crates/fuzzing-afl: Fuzzing using afl.
- crates/fuzzing-hfuzz: Fuzzing using hongfuzz.
- crates/fuzzing-libfuzzer: Fuzzing using libFuzzer.
crates/java: Java library using JNI.
- Published to Maven Central.
crates/python: Python library wrapping the solutions using PyO3.
- Published to PyPI.
crates/wasm: WebAssembly build using wasm-bindgen.
- Published to a static site at
- Published to npm.
- Deployed to Netlify Functions.
crates/worker: A Cloudflare Worker.
- API is available through the OpenAPI interface at
Deployments are done using GitHub Actions workflows.