
Advent of Code helper functions

python, advent, of, code, aoc
pip install advent-of-code-helpers==0.1.1


Advent of Code helpers

Test Coverage Maintainability

Advent of Code helper functions

from aoc.helpers import output, read_input_from_file, input_lines
from aoc import template

Setup Guide

Install with pip

pip install advent-of-code-helpers

Helper Usage

read_input_from_file reads the data as a single line from a file

from aoc.helpers import read_input_from_file

input_lines returns a list of strings from the string input

from aoc.helpers import input_lines

output prints the result to console and writes to an output file if an output directory is provided

from aoc.helpers import output
output('result', part(int), day(int), year(int), output_dir(str), file_prefix(str))

Template Usage

You can specify data from a file using the data(input) function.

You can specify an output directory for output using the output(output) function. If left empty, it will still print to screen, but will not write the result to a file. If given an output directory, the results will be appended to the file so you can easily go back and look at previous results.


from aoc import template

class Part1(template.Part1):
    def solve(self):
        # Read input
        lines = input_lines(self.input())
        # Do some work here

        # Sample output
        result = ','.join(lines)
        return result

def main():
    output_dir = '../out'
    test_data = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
    Part1(1, 2018).data(test_data).output(output_dir)

    data = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'resources/input.txt')
    Part1(1, 2018).data(data).output(output_dir)

if __name__ == "__main__":

More usage in the example.

Template Usage with Other Libraries

If you want to use your own input reader or a library like advent-of-code-data, you can override the input method.


from aoc import template
from aoc.helpers import input_lines
from aocd import get_data

class Part1(template.Part1):
    def input(self):
        if self.input_file:
            return super().input()
            return get_data(, year=self.year)

    def solve(self):
        # Read input
        lines = input_lines(self.input())
        # Do some work here

        # Sample output
        result = ','.join(lines)
        return result

def main():
    Part1(1, 2018).output('../out')

if __name__ == "__main__":