
Suggests incremental improvements for existing projects

pip install advice-animal==0.1.0



Advice Animal answers the question of what do we do after running cookiecutter, or how to we avoid telling people we support to run a sed script.

Design Goals

Existing projects such as cookiecutter do a pretty solid job of initial project generation, and ones such as ruff, fixit, and pyupgrade do a solid job of suggesting universal (that is, applicable to everyone) changes.

Advice Animal is developed to serve a central team that has opinions, but wants to leave the application of that advice up to teams owning individual repos that have the interest and time to apply it.

  • The storage of fixes is decoupled from the release of the thing that runs them.
    • It's just a git repo, which gets pulled on each run.
    • But can also be a directory, if you want to manage distribution with puppet or your monorepo or are working on proposed changes.
  • Fixes are run with a trivial workflow engine.
    • Creates a branch-per-fix with git.
    • Expensive fixes can record that they're done, to avoid running again
    • Fixes can be manual (think "feature add")
    • Your fix repo can customize workflow, including branch naming and commands that get run (say you have a FUSE/mercurial setup or need to run tox -e stylefix and amend).
  • Your users choose what fixes they want (either by quality=their available time), or by declining a fix.
  • Third-party libraries are easy to use in your fixes, and they don't even need to be public.

Fix confidence

Using traffic light colors for simplicity:

  • FixConfidence.GREEN are high-confidence fixes that a) something is wrong and b) this won't make it worse (think, formatting). Trust your tests and land these.

  • FixConfidence.YELLOW ought to have human review (and definitely make sure the tests run), but are low-effort to apply (think, renaming python modules that have uppercase in them, or bumping a version to avoid a known CVE). Meets the bar for a passing mention in release notes.

  • FixConfidence.RED likely need a human to pick up the baton and finish it (think: you clearly use types, you probably should enable mypy in CI).

Version Compat

Usage of this library should work back to 3.7, but development (and mypy compatibility) only on 3.10-3.12. Linting requires 3.12 for full fidelity.


This library follows meanver which basically means semver along with a promise to rename when the major version changes.


advice-animal is copyright Tim Hatch, and licensed under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for details.