A Python client for the Agave 3d volume renderer

pip install agave-pyclient==1.3.0


AGAVE : Advanced GPU Accelerated Volume Explorer

AGAVE is a desktop application for viewing multichannel volume data. Several formats are supported, including OME-TIFF and Zeiss .czi files.

The code is currently organized into a few main sections:

  1. agave_app is the Qt front end of the application
  2. renderlib is the code responsible for dealing with volume images and rendering them
  3. agave_pyclient provides a Python package for sending commands to AGAVE when run in server mode

How to build from source:

After cloning this repo, initialize the submodules, which contain a couple of dependency libraries:

git submodule update --init


Make sure you are in an environment where vsvarsall has been run, e.g. a "VS2022 x64 Native Tools Command Prompt"

tensorstore requires:

  • Python 3.7 or later
  • CMake 3.24 or later
  • Perl, for building libaom from source (default). Must be in PATH. Not required if -DTENSORSTORE_USE_SYSTEM_LIBAOM=ON is specified.
  • NASM, for building libjpeg-turbo, libaom, and dav1d from source (default). Must be in PATH.Not required if -DTENSORSTOREUSE_SYSTEM{JPEG,LIBAOM,DAV1D}=ON is specified.
  • GNU Patch or equivalent. Must be in PATH.

A convenient way to install Perl, NASM, and GNU Patch is with chocolatey.

choco install strawberryperl nasm patch

Install Qt LTS 6.5.3. In your favorite Python virtual environment:

pip install aqtinstall
aqt install-qt --outputdir C:\Qt windows desktop 6.5.3 win64_msvc2019_64 -m qtwebsockets qtimageformats

Use vcpkg (must use target triplet x64-windows) to install the following:

vcpkg install spdlog glm zlib libjpeg-turbo liblzma tiff zstd --triplet x64-windows


mkdir build
cd build
# (vs 2022)
cmake -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=D:\vcpkg\scripts\buildsystems\vcpkg.cmake -G "Visual Studio 17 2022" -A x64 -DVCPKG_TARGET_TRIPLET=x64-windows ..
cmake --build .

You may need to adjust the vcpkg path depending on your configuration.

If you encounter issues during your build, check that all of your dependencies are installed and try again. You can also build to the INSTALL target with Visual Studio by opening the project solution (agave.sln).

For MAC OS: (using homebrew)

In your favorite Python virtual environment:

pip install aqtinstall
aqt install-qt --outputdir ~/Qt mac desktop 6.5.3 -m qtwebsockets qtimageformats
export Qt6_DIR=~/Qt/6.5.3/macos
# and then:
brew install spdlog glm libtiff

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
# after make, you should have a runnable agave.app
# or, to build a redistributable bundle:
sudo make install


Install Qt 6.5.3 in your directory of choice and tell the build where to find it. In your favorite Python virtual environment:

pip install aqtinstall
aqt install-qt --outputdir ~/Qt linux desktop 6.5.3 -m qtwebsockets qtimageformats

# the next line is needed for CMake
export Qt6_DIR=~/Qt/6.5.3/gcc_64
  • sudo apt install libtiff-dev
  • sudo apt install libglm-dev
  • sudo apt install libgl1-mesa-dev
  • sudo apt install libegl1-mesa-dev
  • sudo apt install libspdlog-dev
  • sudo apt install nasm
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..

If cmake fails please refer to the Dockerfile for a more complete list of Linux dependencies.

Versioned Releases

Use tbump (https://github.com/your-tools/tbump). See the tbump.toml file which shows all the files that contain necessary version info.

Just run

tbump major.minor.patch --dry-run

and if everything looks ok

tbump major.minor.patch

or, to do the git steps manually:

tbump major.minor.patch --only-patch