

pip install aha-tools==0.0.1


Docker crash course

Create a new image:

  • docker build .

List images:

  • docker images

Start and enter an image:

  • docker run -it <image-id>

List containers:

  • docker container ls

Delete stopped containers:

  • docker container prune

Clean up all unused docker things:

  • docker system prune -a

Configuring a branch

Changing the tracked branches of submodules

To set up a new branch to track a different branch of a dependency (e.g. coreir tracking dev instead of master), create a new branch of this repo and modify the .gitmodules with the modified branch for the relevant submodules.

[submodule "coreir"]
    path = coreir
    url = https://github.com/rdaly525/coreir
    branch = dev

Enabling Dependabot Updates

To enable dependabot to automatically update the submodules in a branch, the .dependabot/config.yml on master needs to be updated. A new entry needs to be added to update_configs, and should probably just be identical to the others with a different target_branch. For example, here is the update_configs entry for master:

  - package_manager: "submodules"
    target_branch: "master"
    directory: "/"
    update_schedule: "daily"
      - match:
          dependency_type: "all"
          update_type: "all"

Once added to the config.yml, dependabot should be set up to make pull requests for your new branch. More information about setting up the config file can be fould here. You might want to set default_reviewers or default_assignees to yourself for your branch.

Configuring a fork

Much like configuring a branch, it's possible to configure a fork. You might want to use a fork rather than a branch for things like papers so it doesn't clutter the main repo with additional noise. If you want the fork to be private rather than public, here is a guide explaining how to do so.

Enabling GitHub Actions CI

TODO: Document

Enabling Dependabot Updates

TODO: Document