
authorization via cookies for aiohttp.web

pip install aiohttp-cookauth==0.1.1



The library is a fork of aiohttp_session and aiohttp_security. The fork provides identity and authorization for aiohttp.web only via cookies using redis storage.


  • added the ability to forget all user sessions using forget_all function
  • check_permission function return userid now


$ pip install aiohttp_cookauth


from aiohttp import web
from aioredis import create_redis_pool
from aiohttp_cookauth import check_permission, \
    is_anonymous, remember, forget, \
    setup as setup_cookauth, RedisStorage, forget_all
from import AbstractAuthorizationPolicy

# Demo authorization policy for only one user.
# User 'jack' has only 'listen' permission.
class SimpleJack_AuthorizationPolicy(AbstractAuthorizationPolicy):
    async def authorized_userid(self, identity):
        """Retrieve authorized user id.
        Return the user_id of the user identified by the identity
        or 'None' if no user exists related to the identity.
        if identity == 'jack':
            return identity

    async def permits(self, identity, permission, context=None):
        """Check user permissions.
        Return True if the identity is allowed the permission
        in the current context, else return False.
        return identity == 'jack' and permission in ('listen',)

async def handler_root(request):
    is_logged = not await is_anonymous(request)
    return web.Response(text='''<html><head></head><body>
            Hello, I'm Jack, I'm {logged} logged in.<br /><br />
            <a href="/login">Log me in</a><br />
            <a href="/logout">Log me out</a><br />
            <a href="/logout/all">Log out for all</a><br /><br />
            Check my permissions,
            when i'm logged in and logged out.<br />
            <a href="/listen">Can I listen?</a><br />
            <a href="/speak">Can I speak?</a><br />
            logged='' if is_logged else 'NOT',
        ), content_type='text/html')

async def handler_login_jack(request):
    redirect_response = web.HTTPFound('/')
    await remember(request, redirect_response, 'jack')
    return redirect_response

async def handler_logout(request):
    redirect_response = web.HTTPFound('/')
    await forget(request, redirect_response)
    return redirect_response

async def handler_logout_all(request):
    redirect_response = web.HTTPFound('/')
    await forget_all(request, identity='jack')
    return redirect_response

async def handler_listen(request):
    await check_permission(request, 'listen')
    return web.Response(body="I can listen!")

async def handler_speak(request):
    await check_permission(request, 'speak')
    return web.Response(body="I can speak!")

async def make_app():
    # make app
    app = web.Application()

    # add the routes
        web.get('/', handler_root),
        web.get('/login', handler_login_jack),
        web.get('/logout', handler_logout),
        web.get('/logout/all', handler_logout_all),
        web.get('/listen', handler_listen),
        web.get('/speak', handler_speak)])

    # set up policies
    redis = await create_redis_pool(('localhost', 6379))
    storage = RedisStorage(redis, cookie_name='MY_SESSION', max_age=900)
    setup_cookauth(app, SimpleJack_AuthorizationPolicy(), storage)

    return app

if __name__ == '__main__':
    web.run_app(make_app(), port=9000)


Use aiohttp_security documentation:


aiohttp_cookauth is offered under the Apache 2 license.