
Asynchronous Python ServiceNow library

pip install aiosnow==0.6.0


aiosnow: Asynchronous Python ServiceNow Library

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aiosnow is a Python asyncio library for interacting with ServiceNow programmatically. It hopes to be:

  • Convenient: A good deal of work is put into making the library flexible and easy to use.
  • Performant: Uses non-blocking I/O to allow large amounts of API request tasks to run concurrently while being friendly on system resources.
  • Modular: Core functionality is componentized into modules that are built with composability and extensibility in mind.

Example code

import asyncio

import aiosnow
from aiosnow.models.table.declared import IncidentModel as Incident

async def main():
    client = aiosnow.Client("<instance>", basic_auth=("<username>", "<password>"))

    async with Incident(client, table_name="incident") as inc:
        # Fetch high-priority incidents
        for response in await inc.get(Incident.priority <= 3, limit=5):
            print(f"Number: {response['number']}, Priority: {response['priority'].value}")

Check out the examples directory for more material.


API reference and more is available in the technical documentation.


The aiosnow code is permissively licensed, and can be incorporated into any type of application–commercial or otherwise–without costs or limitations. Its author believes it's in the commercial best-interest for users of the project to invest in its ongoing development.

Consider leaving a donation if you like this software, it will:

  • Directly contribute to faster releases, more features, and higher quality software.
  • Allow more time to be invested in documentation, issue triage, and community support.
  • Safeguard the future development of aiosnow.

Development status

Beta: Core functionality is done and API breakage unlikely to happen.


Check out the contributing guidelines if you want to help out with code or documentation.


Robert Wikman <>