
Integration between airo-mono and Drake.

pip install airo-drake==0.0.5



Python package to simplify working with Drake in combination with airo-mono.

Key motivation:

  • πŸ”‹Batteries included: Drake is a powerful robotics toolbox, but it can have a steep learning curve. If you've worked with Drake, you likely ended up deep in the C++ documentation or in Russ Tedrake's manipulation repo looking for guidance. airo-drake aims to be a batteries included Python package to get you up and running quickly with your own robot scenes in Drake!

Overview 🧾

Use cases - we currently use Drake mainly for:

  • 🎨 Visualization
  • πŸ’₯ Collision checking
  • ⏱️ Time parameterization of paths


  • πŸ—οΈ Help building scenes
  • πŸ“ˆ Visualization functions for TCP poses, IK solutions, robot arm trajectories
  • πŸ”„ Converting airo-mono types to Drake types

Design choices:

  • πŸƒ Lightweight: We try to limit duplicating or wrapping Drake, and prefer adding examples over convenience functions.
  • πŸ”“ Opt-in: drake can function as full blown physics simulator, but for many use cases you dont need it, so we make sure this is opt-in.

Getting started πŸš€

Complete the Installation πŸ”§ and then dive right into the notebooks πŸ“”!

Installation πŸ”§

airo-drake is available on PyPi and installable with pip:

pip install airo-drake

However it depends on airo-typing from airo-mono which is not on PyPi, so you have to install that yourself.

Developer guide πŸ› οΈ

See the airo-mono developer guide. A very similar process and tools are used for this package.

Releasing 🏷️

See airo-models, releasing airo-drake works the same way.