
Utilities for connecting Akita to Django

pip install akita-flask==0.0.4


Akita Flask Integration

This package extends flask.testing.FlaskClient in order to instrument Flask integration tests, capturing requests and responses to the service under test. You can drop in akita_flask.testing.HarClient everywhere you use Flasks's FlaskClient, and Akita will use your integration tests to build a spec for your service.

Why build specs? A spec shows your service's APIs. Using Akita to build specs from your integration tests makes it clear what APIs your code implements -- and you can diff specs, showing what impact a code change will have on your customers. For more info, see Catching Breaking Changes Faster in the Akita docs.

See it in Action

Take a look at the Akibox Flask Tutorial, which implements a toy Dropbox-like file server and tests it using the Akita Flask Integration.