A universal command line tool for compression and decompression

python, compress, decompress, allz
pip install allz==0.0.4


A universal command line tool for compression and decompression

  • Supports more normal compressed file formats than I can remember, like Zip, Tar, Gzip, Bzip2, 7-Zip, Rar, Rar.bz2, Tar.gz and so on.
  • Supports split volumn compressed file for certain formats, like Tar.bz2, Tar.bz, Tar.gz, Tgz, Tar.7z, Tar, 7z, Zip, Rar.
  • Supports decompress normal and split volumn compressed file in the same command. In split volumn mode, any part of the input split file can be decompress correctly.
  • Support for automatic creation of target folders. If you have a path with spaces in it, it will handle that too.
  • The decompress engine itself and command-line tool has only been tested in Linux environment so far.

Install Cli

pip install allz

Command Description

allz -d -q -f src_path -o dest_path
  • src_path      The input source path.

  • dest_path    The output destination path.

  • -d        Decompress normal or split compressed files.

  • -q        Run in quiet mode.

  • -f        Always overwrite files when a file to be unpacked already exists on disk. By default, the program will skips the file.

  • -p        Output regular expressions for both regular compressed files and slice compressed files successively: the first line is for the normal compressed file, the second line is for the split volumn compressed file.

    • -p --only-normal    Output regular matching expressions for normal compressed files only.
    • -p --only-split      Output regular expressions for split volumn compressed files only.

Available options:

  • --output-directory (-o)     The directory to write the contents of the archive to. Defaults to the current directory.


Suppose we now have a normal compressed file MNIST.7z and two split volumn compressed files MNIST.tar.7z.001, MNIST.tar.7z.002.

1. View the version

allz --version

2. View the help

allz -h


allz --help

3. Check which types are supported for decompression in your local environment

allz check

4. Decompress the normal file MNIST.7z to current directory

allz -d MNIST.7z

In default, if the compressed file have already decompress before, it will skip the same file. You can use option -f to overwrite the files.

allz -d -f MNIST.7z

You can also mask screen log output by use option -q.

allz -d -q MNIST.7z

5. Decompress the normal file MNIST.7z to the specified directory by use option -o

allz -d MNIST.7z -o /tmp

You can also use the relative destination path.

allz -d MNIST.7z -o ..

6. Decompress the split volumn file MNIST.tar.7z.001

allz -d MNIST.tar.7z.001 

Decompress the split volumn file to specified directory by use option -o.

allz -d MNIST.tar.7z.001 -o /tmp

7.Handle the path with space in it

Methods of using escapes

allz -d 20220101\ todo/MNIST.7z -o /tmp/20220101\ done/MNIST.7z

Methods of using quotation marks

allz -d "20220101 todo/MNIST.7z" -o "/tmp/20220101 done/MNIST.7z"

8. Decompress the file into a recurvise destination directory

It will automatically create folders that do not exist.

allz -d MNIST.7z -o /tmp/today/fruit/apple/


1. Function get_compressed_files_classify_lst

  • Source code: allz/libs/file_type_tester

  • FileTypeTester.get_compressed_files_classify_lst(file_lst)

    • Return a nested list which will sort the input file list into multiple common or split volumn compressed file lists. The input parameter file_lst is a list of files in the same hierarchical directory. The list can be a file name, a full path or a relative path name. Function only processes compressed files, including normal compressed files and split volumn compressed files, ignoring the processing of normal files.
  • A short usage example:

      from allz.libs.file_type_tester import FileTypeTester
      file_lst = ["MNIST.tar.0000", "MNIST.tar.0001", "MNIST.tar.0002", "MNIST.tar.0003", "MNIST.tar.0004", "MNIST.tar.7z.001", "MNIST.tar.7z.002", "MNIST.part1.rar", "MNIST.part2.rar", "MNIST.part3.rar", "MNIST.part4.rar", "MNIST.7z.001", "MNIST.7z.002", "123.rar", "abc.zip", "abc", "000", "0000.tar", "02287.txt"]
      tester = FileTypeTester() 
      res_lst = tester.get_compressed_files_classify_lst(file_lst)

    [['/home/work/srccode/github/allz/allz/libs/MNIST.tar.0000', '/home/work/srccode/github/allz/allz/libs/MNIST.tar.0002', '/home/work/srccode/github/allz/allz/libs/MNIST.tar.0004', '/home/work/srccode/github/allz/allz/libs/MNIST.tar.0003', '/home/work/srccode/github/allz/allz/libs/MNIST.tar.0001'], ['/home/work/srccode/github/allz/allz/libs/MNIST.tar.7z.002', '/home/work/srccode/github/allz/allz/libs/MNIST.tar.7z.001'], ['/home/work/srccode/github/allz/allz/libs/MNIST.part4.rar', '/home/work/srccode/github/allz/allz/libs/MNIST.part1.rar', '/home/work/srccode/github/allz/allz/libs/MNIST.part2.rar', '/home/work/srccode/github/allz/allz/libs/MNIST.part3.rar'], ['/home/work/srccode/github/allz/allz/libs/MNIST.7z.001', '/home/work/srccode/github/allz/allz/libs/MNIST.7z.002'], ['/home/work/srccode/github/allz/allz/libs/123.rar'], ['/home/work/srccode/github/allz/allz/libs/000.tar']]