
GPLv3/Python3/CLI script to convert something like 'mlḵ' in 'כלמ'

text, hebrew, translitteration
pip install alpha2aleph==0.3.1


[1] alpha2aleph
[2] installation
[3] how to use it
[4] how to write input text, symbols file and config file ?
[5] tests & checks
[6] to go further
[7] todo & roadmap

[1] alpha2aleph

A GPLv3/Python3/CLI project to convert a string like '... the word king (“mlḵ”).' into '... the word king (‏מלכ‎).'.

  • By default, symbols (list of definitions like m → מ) are stored in symbols.txt (see --symbolsfile command line option).
  • By default, options are stored in config.ini (see --cfgfile command line option).

[2] installation

[2.1] pip:

$ sudo pip3 install alpha2aleph

[2.2] directly from the github repository:

[3] how to use it ?

You'll need symbols.txt and config.ini; just download them : $ alpha2aleph --downloadbasics

[3.1] through a pipe :

$ echo "“m<éléḵ:”" | alpha2aleph --source=stdin --outputformat=console

or if alpha2aleph has not been installed through pip but if you downloaded the repository:

$ echo "“m<éléḵ:”" | bin/alpha2aleph_bin --source=stdin --outputformat=console

[3.2] examples

[3.2.1] you want to use the project inside another .py file:


from alpha2aleph.main import entrypoint
print(entrypoint((os.path.join("examples", "config.ini"),
              os.path.join("examples", "symbols.txt"),

[3.2.2] you want to create a simple (console) output:


echo "“m<éléḵ:”" | alpha2aleph --log=ERROR --cfgfile=examples/config.ini --symbolsfile=examples/symbols.txt --source=stdin --outputformat=console

Dealing with the RTL/LTR mess:

If ok(✓), the text "the word 'king' (‏מֶ֫לֶכְ‎) in Hebrew..." is correctly displayed with the Hebrew word in the expected sense.

  • GC [Gnome Terminal]
  • Fi [Firefox 64.0]
  • Yu [Yudit]
  • Li [Libreoffice]
rtl symbols: empty string rtl symbols: 0x200F_0x200E
freebidi : False GT(✗) Fi(✓) Yu(✓) Li(✓) GT(✗) Fi(✓) Yu(✗) Li(✓)
freebidi : True GT(✓) Fi(✗) Yu(✗) Li(✗) GT(✓) Fi(✗) Yu(✗) Li(✗)

[3.2.2] you want to create an html output:


alpha2aleph --log=ERROR --cfgfile=examples/config.ini --symbolsfile=examples/symbols.txt --source=inputfile --outputformat=html --inputfile=examples/input.txt

[3.2.3] you want to test the console output of a short string:


echo "“m<éléḵ²:”" | bin/alpha2aleph_bin --log=DEBUG --cfgfile=examples/config.ini --symbolsfile=examples/symbols.txt --source=stdin --outputformat=console --explicitoutput

[4] how to write input text, symbols file and config file ?

[4.1] input file format

  • utf-8
  • insert hebrew text between (e.g. '“' and '”').

If you write something like: I know the Hebrew word for 'king', it's "“mlḵ”".

The expected output is I know the Hebrew word for 'king', it's "מלכ‎".

[4.2] symbols file

  • utf-8
  • comments begin after #.
  • alphabetic symbol → hebrew symbol like in ʔ → א different alphabetic symbols may be used for the same hebrew symbol

[4.3] configuration file

  • utf-8
  • INI file
  • do not use upper case symbols in keys; not Ḥe + holam + shin > Ḥe + shin : True but ḥe + holam + shin > ḥe + shin : True

[5] tests & checks

[5.1] unit tests

$ nosetests3


$ python3 -m unittest tests/

[5.2] test/check one symbol file:

$ alpha2aleph --checksymbols --symbolsfile=examples/symbols.txt

$ alpha2aleph --explicitsymbols --symbolsfile=examples/symbols.txt

[6] to go further

[6.1] logging info.

see --log command line option. Modify

[6.2] exit codes, exceptions

-1 : an error occured : can't read config file -2 : an error occured : ill-formed input file -3 : an error occured : can't read symbols file -4 : an error occured : missing input file

  • a runtimeerror may be raised : see raise RuntimeError in the source code.

[6.3] transformations' pipeline

[6.3.1] output: html

transformation name where is the code ? config.ini
html.1::text_delimiters add_firstlast_marker() -
* maingroup.1::improve_rtlalphatext transf__improve_rtlalphatext() [pipeline.improve rtlalphatext]
* maingroup.2::transf__text_alpha2alephrew transf__text_alpha2alephrew() - (modify symbols.txt)
* maingroup.3::transf__use_FB1D_FB4F_chars transf__use_FB1D_FB4F_chars() [pipeline.use FB1D-FB4F chars]
html.3::br output_html() -
html.4::RTL_SYMBOLS output_html() -
html.5::undo_text_delimiters output_html() -

[6.3.2] output: console

How do I correctly display bidirectional text ? Either by using the fribidi library (see below), either by using a console like Konsole or mlterm ( Do NOT mix those solutions ! See the Dealing with the RTL/LTR mess: section in this document.

transformation name where is the code ? config.ini
console.1::text_delimiters add_firstlast_marker()
* maingroup.1::improve_rtlalphatext transf__improve_rtlalphatext() [pipeline.improve rtlalphatext]
* maingroup.2::transf__text_alpha2alephrew transf__text_alpha2alephrew() - (modify symbols.txt)
* maingroup.3::transf__use_FB1D_FB4F_chars transf__use_FB1D_FB4F_chars() [pipeline.use FB1D-FB4F chars]
console.4::remove_RTL_SYMBOLS output_console() [output.console][rtl symbols]
console.5::undo_text_delimiters remove_firstlast_marker() -
console.6::use fribidi output_console() [output.console][use fribidi]

[] about fribidi:

[7] todo & roadmap

[7.1] todo

  • 0.3.2 : améliorer structure de IMPROVE_RTLALPHATEXT : qqc est répété

  • 0.3.3 : logfile

  • 0.3.4 : - k en position finale > k final pour éviter d'employer ² (- il manque les lettres finales automatiquement ajoutées) +++ modifier input.txt en conséquence +++ config.ini : improvements :: detect_final_letters

  • 0.3.5 : tests unitaires

  • vérifier la conformité de read_cfg_file() avec ce qui est attendu dans un fichier de configuration.

  • implémenter la norme ISO-machin; renommer symbols.txt en xf_symbols.txt;

  • dans les tests, bien vérifier source={file,stdin} + RTLSYMB ==/!= .

  • incorporer les caractères de U0590...

  • export vers .odt

[7.2] roadmap

  • v. 0.3.1 : --explicitinput,, various improvements
  • v. 0.3 : --showsymbols > --explicitsymbols; --explicitoutput
  • v. 0.2.9 : completed examples/symbols.txt
  • v. 0.2.8 : table of content in
  • v. 0.2.7 : use pimydoc to control some part of documentation
  • v. 0.2.6 : improved
  • v. 0.2.5
    • improved
    • fixed a typo in : 'paramaters' > 'forcedparameters'
  • v 0.2.4
    • improved
    • renamed functions in called to execute command line options: cmdline__*
  • 0.2.3 : --checksymbols