
Converting universal tags to Apertium tags.

natural, language, processing, apertium, morphology, natural-language-processing, universal-dependencies
pip install apertium2ud==0.0.7



Obtaining the mapping between the two tagsets based on the information from Apertium Wiki.

Loosely based on this code, hence the GPLv3 license.

To install, run

python -m pip install apertium2ud

The latest uploaded version is 0.0.4.

NB! The latest version from PyPI (yes, you can install the tool via pip) is equipped with the apertium-kir .udx file rules.

To build the machine-readable mapping, run

python apertium_wiki_parser.py

Apertium to Universal tags

>>> from apertium2ud.convert import a2ud
>>> tags = ["n", "pl", "acc"]
>>> a2ud(tags)
(['NOUN'], ['Number=Plur', 'Case=Acc'])
>>> tags_sophisticated = ["v", "tv", "ger", "nom", "cop", "aor", "p3", "pl"]
>>> a2ud(tags_sophisticated)
(['VERB', 'AUX'], ['Subcat=Tran', 'VerbForm=Vnoun', 'Case=Nom', 'Tense=Past', 'Person=3', 'Number=Plur'])

Universal tags to Apertium

So far the conversion is far from perfect

Кыз NOUN {'Number[psor]=Sing', 'Number=Sing', 'Case=Nom', 'Person[psor]=3', 'Person=3'} ->

досуна NOUN {'Number[psor]=Sing', 'Number=Sing', 'Person[psor]=3', 'Case=Dat', 'Person=3'} ->

кат NOUN {'Case=Nom', 'Person=3', 'Number=Sing'} ->

жазган VERB {'Aspect=Perf', 'Polarity=Pos', 'Number=Sing', 'Tense=Past', 'Person=3', 'Evident=Fh'} ->

. PUNCT set() ->


  • Should sections chunks and XML tags be added? No.
  • Tests: Apertium -> UD -> Apertium, UD -> Apertium -> UD (sometimes losses are inevitable)
  • Add the possibility to add the rules based on a .udx file, which usually describes custom tags

How to cite

Greatly appreciated, if you use this work.

  title     = {{alexeyev/apertium2ud: mapping tagsets}},
  year      = {2023},
  url       = {https://github.com/alexeyev/apertium2ud}