
Airport List Query module

pip install aplist==0.1.dev6


Airport List Query Module

Provides a query API against a list of worldwide airports.


This module being registered in PyPI, it can be installed using PIP:

pip install aplist

You may want to avoid bloating your system Python with packages using virtualenv which works in way like a chroot but limited to PIP packages:

cd ..
virtualenv -p python3 aplist
source aplist/bin/activate
(do your things...)


Importing the module

Import this module the usual way:

import aplist


apl_inst = AirportList()

query_dict is a dict type with one or more of the three actions as keys:

  • search: dictionnary of fields and values
  • sort: dictionnary of a single field and a direction
  • paginate: dictionnary of paginate options and their values

Search Action

A search action is defined as a dictionnary of field and value pairs. Airports with their fields matching this dictionnary are selected, the remaining items are discarded.


{'country': 'Russia', 'tzoffset': 6}

Sort Action

A sort action is a dictionnary holding a single field / direction pair. Pair must be either asc for sorting in ascending order the given field, and des for the opposite.


{'city': 'des'}

Paginate Action

A paginate action consists in splitting a list of selected airports in pages. Two parameters are supporter: * offset indicating the index where the selection starts * limite indicating the maximum number of airports in the selection


{'offset': 80, `limit`: 20}

Field List

Field Description
uid Unique identifier
name Airport name
city Closest major city
country Airport country
iata 3-letter IATA code
icao 4-letter ICAO code
latitude Latitude
longitude longitude
altitude Airfield elevation
tzoffset Timezone offset
dst One if DST is observed
tzname Timezone name