
Buildout recipes for App Engine development.

buildout, recipe, google, app, engine, appengine, gae, zc, appfy, tipfy
pip install appfy.recipe.gae==0.9.10



appfy.recipe.gae provides a series of zc.buildout recipes to help with Google App Engine development. It is inspired by rod.recipe.appengine, but using a different layout and with extended functionalities. It is also split in different recipes. Currently appfy.recipe.gae has 3 recipes:

appfy.recipe.gae:app_lib: Downloads libraries from PyPi and installs in the app directory.
appfy.recipe.gae:sdk: Downloads and installs the App Engine SDK.
appfy.recipe.gae:tools: Installs a python executable and several SDK scripts in the buildout directory: appcfg, bulkload_client, bulkloader, dev_appserver and remote_api_shell. It also allows to set default values to start the dev_appserver.

Source code and issue tracker can be found at

For an example of how appfy makes distribution of App Engine apps easy and nice, see Moe installation instructions.


Downloads libraries from PyPi and installs in the app directory. This recipe extends zc.recipe.egg.Scripts, so all the options from that recipe are also valid.


eggs: Package names to be installed.
lib-directory: Destination directory for the libraries. Default is distlib.
use-zipimport: If true, a zip file with the libraries is created instead of a directory. The zip filename will be the value of lib-directory plus .zip.
ignore-globs: A list of glob patterns to not be copied from the library.
ignore-packages: A list of top-level package names or modules to be ignored. This is useful to ignore dependencies that won't be used. Some packages may install distribute, setuptools or pkg_resources but these are not very useful on App Engine, so you can set them to be ignored, for example.
delete-safe: If true, always move lib-directory to a temporary directory inside the parts dir as a backup when building, instead of deleting it. This is to avoid accidental deletion if lib-directory is badly configured. Default to true.


# Sets the library dependencies for the app.
recipe = appfy.recipe.gae:app_lib
lib-directory = app/distlib
use-zipimport = false

# Define the libraries.
eggs =

# Don't copy files that match these glob patterns.
ignore-globs =

# Don't install these packages or modules.
ignore-packages =


Downloads and installs the App Engine SDK in the buildout directory.


url: URL to the App Engine SDK file. Default is to download the latest version from
destination: Destination of the extracted SDK. Default is the parts directory.
clear-destination: If true, deletes the destination dir before extracting the download. Default is true.


# Dowloads and extracts the App Engine SDK.
recipe = appfy.recipe.gae:sdk
url =
destination = ${buildout:parts-directory}
hash-name = false
clear-destination = true


Installs a python executable and several SDK scripts in the buildout directory: appcfg, bulkload_client, bulkloader, dev_appserver and remote_api_shell.

It also allows to set default values to start the dev_appserver.

This recipe extends zc.recipe.egg.Scripts, so all the options from that recipe are also valid.


sdk-directory: Path to the App Engine SDK directory. It can be an absolute path or a reference to the appfy.recipe.gae:sdk destination option. Default is ${buildout:parts-directory}/google_appengine.
appcfg-script: Name of the appcfg script to be installed in the bin directory.. Default is appcfg.
bulkload_client-script: Name of the bulkloader script to be installed in the bin directory. Default is bulkload_client.
bulkloader-script: Name of the bulkloader script to be installed in the bin directory. Default is bulkloader.
dev_appserver-script: Name of the dev_appserver script to be installed in the bin directory. Default is dev_appserver.
remote_api_shell-script: Name of the remote_api_shell script to be installed in the bin directory. Default is remote_api_shell.
config-file: Configuration file with the default values to use in scripts. Default is gaetools.cfg.
extra-paths: Extra paths to include in sys.path for generated scripts.
initialization: Allows to specify some Python code to be included in the scripts.


# Installs appcfg, dev_appserver and python executables in the bin directory.
recipe = appfy.recipe.gae:tools
sdk-directory = ${gae_sdk:destination}/google_appengine
# add extra code
initialization =
  import dev_appserver
# Add these paths to sys.path in the generated scripts.
extra-paths =

Note that this example references an gae_sdk section from the appfy.recipe.gae:sdk example. An absolute path could also be used.

To set default values to start the dev_appserver, create a section dev_appserver in the defined configuration file (gaetools.cfg by default). For example:

# Set default values to start the dev_appserver. All options from the
# command line are allowed. They are inserted at the beginning of the
# arguments. Values are used as they are; don't use variables here.
recipe = appfy.recipe.gae:tools
defaults =

Each option should be set in a separate line, as displayed above. Options provided when calling dev_appserver will override the default values.