
Pyramid Generator For OMETiff

pip install argolid==0.0.5



Build Requirements

Argolid uses Tensorstore for reading and writing pixel data. So Tensorstore build requirements are needed to be satisfied. For Linux, these are the requirements:

  • GCC 10 or later
  • Clang 8 or later
  • Python 3.8 or later
  • CMake 3.24 or later
  • Perl, for building libaom from source (default). Must be in PATH. Not required if -DTENSORSTORE_USE_SYSTEM_LIBAOM=ON is specified.
  • NASM, for building libjpeg-turbo, libaom, and dav1d from source (default). Must be in PATH.Not required if -DTENSORSTORE_USE_SYSTEM_{JPEG,LIBAOM,DAV1D}=ON is specified.
  • GNU Patch or equivalent. Must be in PATH.

Building and Installing

Here is an example of building and installing Argolid in a Python virtual environment.

python -m virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install cmake
git clone --recurse-submodules 
cd argolid
python install


Argolid can generate Pyramids from a single image or an image collection with a stitching vector provided. It can generate three different kind of pyramids:

  • Neuroglancer compatible Zarr (NG_Zarr)
  • Precomputed Neuroglancer (PCNG)
  • Viv compatible Zarr (Viv)

Currently, three downsampling methods (mean, mode_max and mode_min) are supported. A dictionary with channel id (integer) as key and downsampling method as value can be passed to specify downsampling method for specific channel. If a channel does not exist as a key in the dictionary, mean will be used as the default downsampling method

Here is an example of generating a pyramid from a single image.

from argolid import PyramidGenerartor
input_file = "/home/samee/axle/data/test_image.ome.tif"
output_dir = "/home/samee/axle/data/test_image_ome_zarr"
min_dim = 1024
pyr_gen = PyramidGenerartor()
pyr_gen.generate_from_single_image(input_file, output_dir, min_dim, "NG_Zarr", {0:"mode_max"})

Here is an example of generating a pyramid from a collection of images and a stitching vector.

from argolid import PyramidGenerartor
input_dir = "/home/samee/axle/data/intensity1"
file_pattern = "x{x:d}_y{y:d}_c{c:d}.ome.tiff"
output_dir = "/home/samee/axle/data/test_assembly_out"
image_name = "test_image"
min_dim = 1024
pyr_gen = PyramidGenerartor()
pyr_gen.generate_from_image_collection(input_dir, file_pattern, image_name, 
                                        output_dir, min_dim, "Viv", {1:"mean"})