
Around the worlds in 80 days.

pip install aroundtheworlds==0.0.1.dev1


Around the Worlds in 80 days.

python aroundtheworlds/


Sun 15 Apr 2018 09:25:52 CEST

For my Two Worlds pyweek... I'm thinking of doing a split screen game. Where you control the avatar in both worlds. So your input has to avoid collisions in both. Controlling the hot air that goes into a balloon to make it rise. Just obstacle avoidance I guess, but sort of interesting because you have to do it in two Worlds at once.

Split screen drawing two balloons

I'm using pygame and will also try a bunch of libraries. pygame awesome libraries

Probably 'thorpy' for game menus/gui, and 'transitions' for state machines.

Sun 15 Apr 2018 09:52:39 CEST

I got the name of the game, and setting up a github repo for it.

Around the Worlds in 80 days. aroundtheworlds

Jules Verne is awesome. It's one of the first books I read as a child.

Also, I remember typing up a balloon game on c64 when I was little too.

So this is a little bit nostalgic for me. But also, I like the setting.

Next up, I'll set up my base code. Probably should have done this earlier.

This is what I hate about python... config file soup. Note to self: finish pyrelease.

But, I'll at least use pipenv. Warm, happy pipenv.

Sun 15 Apr 2018 10:33:27 CEST

Adding and first python file that just print hello.

Sun 15 Apr 2018 11:14:41 CEST

I have split screens now.

Split screens

Next up some basic balloons and some terrain.

Sun 15 Apr 2018 12:00:58 CEST

Because only the Balloon will be moving, we only need to change a small part of the screen each frame. Luckily pygame handles this nicely.

Efficient screen updates with dirty rects, DirtySprite and LayeredDirty. When an object

See Quick & Dirty: Using Pygame's DirtySprite & LayeredDirty (A tutorial) for more information about pygame dirty rectangle sprites.

Now I have the basic game objects in place.

Basic game objects in place

The resolution I've decided on is 640x480.

I plan to draw them all by hand at this stage, and that should make the asset creation easier.

This means 320x480 for each side.

Maybe it would be fun to draw a different city for each 'level'. So on the left there would be Paris, and on the right London.

And the player has to move both Baloons through the city safely.