
a simple tool to turn your function into a background service

service, background, batched, executor, parallel, deep, learning, reinforcement
pip install as-a-service==1.0.3



A simple package that transforms a batch function {inputs->results} into a service that

  • groups inputs into batches - you specify max batch size and time waiting
  • processes them - and returns results back to whoever was asking


notebook version

Here's how it feels

@as_batched_service(batch_size=3, max_delay=0.1)
def square(batch_xs):
    print("processing...", batch_xs)
    return [x_i ** 2 for x_i in batch_xs]

# submit many queries
futures = square.submit_many(range(10))
print([f.result() for f in futures])

This will print

processing... [0, 1, 2]
processing... [3, 4, 5]
processing... [6, 7, 8]
processing... [9]
[0, 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81]

You can also use it as a drop-in replacement for a function that processes one input at a time

  • square(2.0) will return 4.0 as if a normal function
  • Under the hood, it submits a request and waits for it to finish

This package contains three objects

  • BatchedService(batch_process_func, batch_size, max_delay) - main object
  • @as_batched_service(batch_size, max_delay) - same thing as a decorator
  • @as_service(max_delay) - decorator for a function without batches (single input/output)

Use help(BatchedService) and "Why should I care?" for more details.


  • pip install as_a_service
  • No dependencies apart from standard libraries
  • Works with both python2 and python3 (pip3 install)

Why should I care?

This primitive is useful for a number of scenarios like:

  1. You are building a web-based demo around your neural network. You want your network to process a stream of user queries, but doing so one query at a time is slow. Batch-parallel processing is way better.
@as_batched_service(batch_size=32, max_delay=1.0)
def service_predict(input_images_list):
    predictions_list = my_network_predict_batch(input_images_list)
    return predictions_list

def handle_user_query(query):
    input_image = get_image(query)
    return service_predict(input_image)
  1. You are experimenting with a reinforcement learning agent. The agent itself is a neural network that predicts actions. You want to play 100 parallel game sessions to train on. Playing one session at a time is slow. If only we could run multiple sessions on one GPU
my_network = make_keras_network_on_gpu()
service = BatchedService(my_network.predict, batch_size=32, max_delay=1.0)
threads = [
    GamePlayingThread(predict_action=lambda x: service(x)) for i in range(100)
for thread in threads:
for thread in threads:

And many other scenarios where you want to use a single resource (GPU / device /DB) concurrently and utilize batch-parallelism