The predecessor of litecrypt, where all the testing and trial-and-error took place. NOTE: THIS IS NOT STABLE.

Cryptography, application, libraryAES-256, aes-256, pypi-package, python
pip install ashcrypt==4.0.0


Introducing Ashcrypt: Your Guardian of Secrets 🔒

Tired of wrestling with passwords and entrusting your private files to sketchy apps? protecting your sensitive data now becomes very simple. No more struggling with intricate code – just powerful data security at your fingertips.

🔑 Effortlessly Secure Encryption!

Worried about complex encryption steps? Don't worry! With Ashcrypt, encrypting a file is as simple as can be. Check this out:

from ashcrypt import CryptFile

key = CryptFile.genkey()
CryptFile('passwords.csv', key).encrypt()
# Voila! Your file is now called ==> passwords.csv.crypt

💾 Secure Database Integration

Got valuable data you want to stash? Ashcrypt has your back:

from ashcrypt import Crypt, CryptFile, Database

binary_data = CryptFile.get_binary('image.png')
key = Crypt.genkey()  # Get a key

encrypted_binary_data = Crypt(binary_data, key).encrypt(get_bytes=True)
conn = Database('data-holder.db')
conn.insert(name='image.png', content=encrypted_binary_data)

🚀 Or, Simplify with the App

alt text

📦 What's Under the Hood?

Library: Your path to seamless security. It's your companion for performing encryption and decryption on your data using the robust AES-256 (CBC) encryption algorithm. Designed with developers in mind, it makes data protection a breeze.

App: Where magic happens. A sleek, unified software solution merging the library's might into a user-friendly application. Whether you're a seasoned developer or just starting, this app is your ultimate ally.

🧙‍♂️ Installation Made Easy

Starting is a breeze. If you want to use Ashcrypt as a library, just use pip:

pip install ashcrypt

Want the entire repository? Run this command for a simple setup:

curl -sSfL | bash

📚 Dive into the Docs

I designed this documentation with simplicity in mind. Check out the Docs to unleash Ashcrypt's full potential.

🔐 License to Thrill

Ashcrypt is open-source and licensed under the MIT License.

🙌 Shout-Outs

Ashcrypt draws its strength from the robust cryptographic practices and the inspiration gleaned from a myriad of open-source implementations. Yet, it stands tall on the shoulders of one true heavyweight – the renowned 'cryptography' library. With 'cryptography' as its bedrock, Ashcrypt ensures your data's safety isn't a matter of chance but a guarantee.