
Cast an async function to blocking function and viceversa. Also use threads pools if needed.

asyncio, async, sync, casting, threads
pip install async-cast==0.6.1




Cast async function to blocking and viceversa. (works on python 3.7 and up) Also run functions in threads, whether async or blocking.

Why async_cast?

I found the current asyncio tools frustrating when migrating from blocking code. If you want to profit IO operations to "run something else" you need to rewrite all code to use asyncio. When you start form scratch that's acceptable, but not with legacy code.

So with this small self-contained library you can easily convert legacy code into async code. The best way is running several blocking function in different threads. But be aware that threads also bring race conditions, so make sure concurrent functions are thread-safe.


pip install -U async-cast

The package is a single module that you can easily audit.

Decorator: casting async function to a blocking function

from async_cast import also_blocking

async def request_url(url, **kwargs):
    print(f'Requesting {url} with options {kwargs}')
    result = f'<h1>{url}</h1>'
    return result

if __name__ == '__main__':

Decorator: casting a blocking function to async function

from async_cast import also_async
import asyncio

def request_url(url, **kwargs):
    print(f'Requesting {url} with options {kwargs}')
    result = f'<h1>{url}</h1>'
    return result

async def main():
    print(await request_url.async_(''))

if __name__ == '__main__':

Running tasks in a ThreadPool

I wrapped existing ThreadPoolExecutor to make it easier to run tasks inside it. Tasks are automatically registered in the pool declared by the with thread_pool(...): context.

Running async function in threadpool

from async_cast import also_blocking, thread_pool
import asyncio

async def request_url(url, **kwargs):
    print(f'Requesting {url} with options {kwargs}')
    result = f'<h1>{url}</h1>'
    return result

async def main():
    with thread_pool(3):
        t1 = request_url.async_thread('')
        t2 = request_url.async_thread('')
        t3 = request_url.async_thread('')
        results = await asyncio.gather(t1,t2,t3)

if __name__ == '__main__':

Running blocking function in threadpool

from async_cast import also_async, thread_pool
import asyncio

def request_url(url, **kwargs):
    print(f'Requesting {url} with options {kwargs}')
    result = f'<h1>{url}</h1>'
    return result

async def main():
    with thread_pool(3):
        t1 = request_url.async_thread('')
        t2 = request_url.async_thread('')
        t3 = request_url.async_thread('')
        results = await asyncio.gather(t1,t2,t3)

if __name__ == '__main__':

Non decorators alternatives

Casting async function to a blocking function with to_blocking

from async_cast import to_blocking

async def request_url(url, **kwargs):
    print(f'Requesting {url} with options {kwargs}')
    result = f'<h1>{url}</h1>'
    return result

if __name__ == '__main__':

Casting a blocking function to async function with to_async

from async_cast import to_async
import asyncio

def request_url(url, **kwargs):
    print(f'Requesting {url} with options {kwargs}')
    result = f'<h1>{url}</h1>'
    return result

async def main():
    print(await to_async(request_url)(''))

if __name__ == '__main__':

Running async or blocking function in threadpool with to_async_thread

from async_cast import to_async_thread, thread_pool
import asyncio

async def request_url(url, **kwargs):
    print(f'Requesting {url} with options {kwargs}')
    result = f'<h1>{url}</h1>'
    return result

def request_url_blocking(url, **kwargs):
    print(f'Requesting {url} with options {kwargs}')
    result = f'<h1>{url}</h1>'
    return result

async def main():
    with thread_pool(3):
        t1 = to_async_thread(request_url)('')
        t2 = to_async_thread(request_url)('')
        t3 = to_async_thread(request_url)('')
        t4 = to_async_thread(request_url_blocking)('')
        results = await asyncio.gather(t1,t2,t3,t4)

if __name__ == '__main__':