
Asyncio API wrapper for the Travitia Cleverbot API. (

pip install async-cleverbot==0.0.2


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Asyncio API wrapper for the Travitia Cleverbot API. (


Installing with pip from PyPI

pip install -U async_cleverbot

Installing with pip + git from GitHub

pip install -U git+


import async_cleverbot as ac

cleverbot = ac.Cleverbot("Your API key here") # Create the Cleverbot client
response = await cleverbot.ask("How are you today?") # Ask a question, returns async_cleverbot.cleverbot.Response
print(response.text) # Text from the Response object
await cleverbot.close()

Getting an API key

Join the Travitia API Discord server and use the > api command to request an API key. Getting a key

Using context

This API supports a context parameter for background context, so let's make use of it!

import async_cleverbot as ac

cleverbot = ac.Cleverbot("Your API key here", ac.DictContext())

response = await cleverbot.ask("How are you today?", 246938839720001536) # 2nd param is an identifier, this can be a user id!

response = await cleverbot.ask("I'm doing good too.", 246938839720001536)
print(cleverbot.context._storage) # "How are you today?" - returns most recent previous queries
await cleverbot.close()

New in 0.2.1: Emotions

This wrapper's API now supports selecting an emotion to influence its response.
You can specify a custom emotion using the enum async_cleverbot.Emotion.
(The default emotion is Emotion.neutral)

Supported emotions:

async_cleverbot.Emotion.neutral/normal - Neutral response
async_cleverbot.Emotion.sad/sadness - Sad response
async_cleverbot.Emotion.fear/scared - Fearful response - Excited response
async_cleverbot.Emotion.anger/angry - Angry response

An example

import async_cleverbot as ac

cleverbot = ac.Cleverbot("Your API key here")
resp = await cleverbot.ask("What's up?",

New in 0.2.2: Custom sessions, simpler context

You can now pass context and your own session when creating a cleverbot client.

import async_cleverbot as ac

cleverbot = ac.Cleverbot("Your API key here", session=my_aiohttp_sess, context=ac.DictContext())

In addition, DictContext no longer needs an argument.

The argument has been preserved for backwards compatability.