
descript goes here

pip install asynctasklist==0.2



PyPI Tests Changelog License

a simple tasklist library for running tasks pseudo-asynchronously

  • note:


Basic TaskList Usage

from asynctasklist import TaskList, Task
import time

# initialize the tasklist variable
tasks = TaskList()

# template function to return a new instance of a function
def makeTask(timeout, callback):
    startTime = 0 # initialize startTime variable

    def init():
        nonlocal startTime
        startTime = round(time.time() * 1000) # set the start time to the time when this task is first run

    def task():
        if round(time.time() * 1000) - startTime >= timeout: # check if timeout duration has passed
            callback() # run some code
            return True # return True since to task is done
        return False # return False since to task is not done
    return Task(init=init, task=task) # return a new task

# define callback function
def run():
    print("timeout is done")

# add a new task to the list
tasks.add(makeTask(1000, run)) # print message after 1 second
tasks.add(makeTask(2000, run)) # print message 2 seconds after the first message

# if you want to run the tasklist truly asynchronously, run a new thread before the main program loop
import threading
def task_worker():
    while True:

t = threading.Thread(target=task_worker, daemon=True) # set daemon to true to stop thread when program ends

# if you want to run the tasklist alongside your main program, simply put `task.execute()` in the main program loop
# main program loop
while True:
    # run main app code # example code
    # update gui
    gui.update() # example code

    # run the tasklist
    if tasks.isDone():
        print("all tasks are done")
  • notes:
    • lambdas can be used in place of functions for inline task initialization
  • ParallelTasks function the same as TaskLists, but instead of running the task one at a time in the order they were added, it runs all tasks at the same time.
    • it is recommended to have a check at the beginning of each task in a ParallelTask to make sure work needs to be done before running the task in case some tasks take longer to finish than the others


To contribute to this library, clone the ropository, make changes, then submit a pull request

Now install the dependencies and test dependencies:

pip install -e '.[test]'

To run the tests:
