
Simple command-line client unifying access to Atlassian® services.

pip install atlssncli==0.0.3



Simple command-line client unifying access to Atlassian ® services.


atlssncli is a simple command-line utility written in Python enabling easy, context-based access to various features of Atlassian® services over REST API. The context can be specified in the configuration file in terms of current board or project, and also is extracted automatically from the Git branch of the current working directory.

The goal of this project is to provide a concise command-line interface for everyday tasks involving sprint, issue and build management. atlssncli focuses on simplicity over completeness, to provide as quick as possible access to most commonly used features, assuming that more complex can be achieved otherwise, e.g. using web interface or other command line clients.

Please note, that atlssncli is tested with Jira® version 7.12.3 and Bamboo® version 6.9.2 only.


pip install atlssncli


Configuration file should be placed in ~/.atlssncli/config.ini:

username = username
password = password
version = 6
active_project = BKP

endpoint =

endpoint =
board = 7
sprint_duration = 14

endpoint =
component1 = BKP-CMP1
component2 = BKP-CMP2
component3 = BKP-CMP3



Add the following line to your ~/.bashrc:

eval "$(_ATLSSN_COMPLETE=source_bash atlssn)"


Add the following line to your ~/.zshrc:

eval "$(_ATLSSN_COMPLETE=source_zsh atlssn)"

Basic usage


Command reference


Show information about services.

Show information about JIRA® service

atlssn info jira

Show information about Bamboo® service

atlssn info bamboo


Bamboo® agents information, REST API for agents only supports a single method.

Show information about Bamboo® agents

atlssn agent list


Manage projects in the Jira® and Bamboo® services.

List all available projects

atlssn project list

Select currently active project

atlssn project select <project_key>

Get information about specific project

atlssn project info [<project_key>]

List project components

atlssn project list-components [<project_key>]

List project issue types

atlssn project list-issue-types [<project_key>]

board - manage Jira® boards

Get board backlog

atlssn board backlog [-a|--assignee <user_id>] [-q|--jql <jql_query>]

# Examples
atlssn board backlog -q 'status = "Open" AND assignee = "bkryza"'
atlssn board backlog -a bkryza

Get board list

atlssn board list

Set default board

atlssn board select <board_id>

Get board status

atlssn board status [<board_id>]

sprint - manage sprints

Below commands, which accept optional sprint_id, will act on active sprint when sprint_id is not provided.

List all sprints or sprints in a given state

atlssn sprint list [--active|--future|--closed]

Create sprint

atlssn sprint create [-n|--name <name>]
                     [-s|--start-date YYYY-MM-DD]
                     [-d|--duration <days>]

Rename sprint

atlssn sprint rename <sprint_id> <new_name>

Start sprint

atlssn sprint start <sprint_id> [<start_date> [<duration>]]

Stop sprint

atlssn sprint stop <sprint_id>

Get sprint status

atlssn sprint status [<sprint_id>]

List sprint issues

atlssn sprint issues [<sprint_id>]

List sprint issues by assignee

atlssn sprint issues [<sprint_id>] --assignee johndoe

List sprint issues by status

atlssn sprint issues [<sprint_id>] --resolved --closed

issue - manage issues

Get issue types for active project

**atlssn issue types

Get issue types for specific project

**atlssn issue types <project_id>

Create issue

**atlssn issue create <summary> [-t|--type <issue_type>]
                              [-a|--assignee <username>]
                              [-r|--reporter <username>]
                              [-i|--priority <priority>]
                              [-l|--labels <label>,<label>,...,<label>]
                              [-d|--description <text>]
                              [-x|--fix-versions <versions>]
                              [-c|--components <component>,...,<component>]

Edit issue

**atlssn issue edit <issue_id> [-t|--type <issue_type>]
                             [-a|--assignee <username>]
                             [-r|--reporter <username>]
                             [-i|--priority <priority>]
                             [-l|--labels <label>,<label>,...,<label>]
                             [-d|--description <text>]
                             [-x|--fix-versions <versions>]
                             [-c|--components <component>,...,<component>]

Get issue status

atlssn issue status <issue_id>

Assign issue

atlssn issue assign <issue_id> <username>

Get issue changelog

**atlssn issue changelog <issue_id>

Add issue comment

**atlssn issue comment <issue_id> <comment>

Change issue state

**atlssn issue update <issue_id> <comment>

Link issues

**atlssn issue link <issue_id> <outward_issue_id>

List issue attachments

**atlssn issue attachments <issue_id>

Add issue attachment

**atlssn issue attach <issue_id> <file_path>

Delete issue attachment

**atlssn issue detach <issue_id> <file_name>

List possible issue transitions

**atlssn issue transitions <issue_id>

Transition issue to different state

**atlssn issue transition <issue_id> <state_name>

List possible issue resolutions

**atlssn issue resolutions <issue_id>

Resolve issue

**atlssn issue resolve <issue_id> <resolution>

Create branch from issue

**atlssn issue branch <issue_id> <state_name>

List Git branches for issue

**atlssn issue branches <issue_id>


  • Refactor output formatting to enable custom formatters
  • Add OAuth support
  • Move todo's to GitHub issues


Copyright 2019-present Bartosz Kryza <>

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

All Atlassian® services referenced in this project are registered trademarks of Atlassian Corporation Plc.

The author of this project is not affiliated in any way with Atlassian Corporation Plc.