
auto-update is a Python package designed to update Python projects installed on client systems that do not have Git installed. It retrieves the latest release from a specified GitHub repository, compares it with the currently installed version, and updates the project accordingly.

update, auto, scripts, python, script
pip install auto-update==0.1.0



Easily install apps from PyPI and automatically keep them updated.

autopip automates the creation of a virtual environment using venv, installs any Python package with scripts (i.e. app) from PyPI using pip, and atomically creates symlinks for installed scripts in /usr/local/bin so you can easily use them. Each app version is installed cleanly into its own virtual environment. Optionally, it can set up crontab entries to update apps automatically (may require admin permission on macOS).

Before starting, make sure your Python installation meets all the requirements -- while autopip can install Python apps that run on any Python version, it requires Python 3.6+ to run:

curl -s | python3

To install autopip to `/usr/local/bin`:

sudo pip3 install autopip

No need to worry about tainting system Python install as autopip has no install dependencies and never will.

Alternatively, you can install it in a virtual environment -- the last one that you will ever create manually for installing Python apps:

python3 -m venv ~/.virtualenvs/autopip
source ~/.virtualenvs/autopip/bin/activate
pip3 install autopip

Optionally, create installation directories and chown to your user so that autopip can create symlinks in `/usr/local/bin`:

sudo mkdir /usr/local/opt /usr/local/var
sudo chown -R $(whoami) /usr/local/*

Now, you can easily install any apps from PyPI:

$ autopip install workspace-tools
Installing workspace-tools to /usr/local/opt/apps/workspace-tools/3.2.2
Updating symlinks in /usr/local/bin
+ wst

Optionally use the --update option to update it daily via cron (may require admin permission on macOS):

$ autopip install workspace-tools --update daily
workspace-tools is up-to-date
Adding to crontab (may require admin permission)
Daily auto-update enabled via cron service
Scripts are in /usr/local/bin: wst

Install paths are selected based on your user's permission to write to /opt or /usr/local/opt. If you do not have permission for either, then autopip will install apps to your user home at ~/.apps with script symlinks in ~/bin therefore you will need to add ~/bin to your PATH env var to easily run scripts from installed apps. To install script symlinks to /usr/local/bin, either chown/chmod dirs in /usr/local/* to be writeable by your user as suggested above or run autopip using sudo (i.e. as root). To see why a particular path is selected, append --debug after autopip when running it.

To save typing a few letters, you can also use the app alias -- short for autopip.

$ app install ansible-hostmanager
Installing ansible-hostmanager to /usr/local/opt/apps/ansible-hostmanager/0.2.3
Updating script symlinks in /usr/local/bin
+ ah

To install an app for a specific Python version, use the --python option:

$ app install ducktape --python 3.7
Installing ducktape to /usr/local/opt/apps/ducktape/0.7.3
Updating script symlinks in /usr/local/bin
+ ducktape

To show currently installed apps and their scripts:

$ app list --scripts
ansible-hostmanager  0.2.3   /usr/local/opt/apps/ansible-hostmanager/0.2.3
ducktape             0.7.3   /usr/local/opt/apps/ducktape/0.7.3
workspace-tools      3.2.2   /usr/local/opt/apps/workspace-tools/3.2.2      [updates daily]

To manually update all apps:

$ app update
ansible-hostmanager is up-to-date
ducktape is up-to-date
workspace-tools is up-to-date

To uninstall:

app uninstall ducktape

If you need to use a private PyPI index, just configure index-url in pip.conf as autopip uses pip to install apps.

To control versioning and uniform installations across multiple hosts/users, you can also define an autopip installation group using entry points. See example in developer-tools package.


  1. Cron jobs have a random minute set during install and runs hourly for all intervals.
  2. Up to two versions of an app is kept at a time.

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