
A Python Package to deploy tasks on Automation Anywhere 360

pip install automation-anywhere==2.1.7


Automation Anywhere Python API Integration


This Python module is used to talk to Automation Anywhere 360 and start Tasks on selected machines.

Automation Anywhere does have a basic check if the task was "asked to be deployed" successfully, albeit very simple, it's still better then nothing.


There are some minimum dependencies:

pip install requests>=2.21 

After installing them, you can proceed with the installation:

pip install automation_anywhere


As is, for the version 360, you can use the package to deploy a task as such:

from automation_anywhere.executor import Executor
base_url = 'https://your-automation-controlroom-url/'
username = 'your-username'
password = 'your-password'
aa_executor = Executor(base_url, username, password)
devices, _, error = aa_executor.list_devices(hostname='host', run_as_user='user_to_run_as')
if error is not None:
  # handle the error
automations, _, error = aa_executor.list_automations(name='Test')
if error is not None:
  # handle the error
# Get the run as user id to execute, we'll just get the first one
users_ids = int(devices[0]['defaultUsers'][0]['id'])
# Get the automation id to execute, we'll just get the first one
automation_id = int(automations[0]['id'])
# Deploy
success, error, deployment_id, deployment_name = aa_executor.deploy(automation_id, [users_ids])
if success:
  # handle the error
  print(f'Deployed on id {deployment_id} with name {deployment_name}')

The errors will come 100% from the APIs of the Control Room.

What about task status?

I found an endpoint where you can get the job execution status, by filtering it via deployment id or deployment name. Here's a sample usage:

from automation_anywhere.executor import Executor
base_url = 'https://your-automation-controlroom-url/'
username = 'your-username'
password = 'your-password'
deploy_id = '377b04a5-fa8b-4e4a-8db5-8d769fd6639b'
deploy_name = ''
aa_executor = Executor(base_url, username, password)
success, error, data = aa_executor.status(deploy_id=deploy_id)

And the dictionary output:

[{'automationId': '',
'automationName': '',
'automationPriority': 'PRIORITY_MEDIUM',
'botLabel': '',
'callbackInfo': '',
'canManage': True,
'command': 'logToFile',
'createdBy': '41',
'createdOn': '2023-05-19T17:28:51.949121Z',
'currentBotName': 'Test',
'currentLine': 1,
'deploymentId': '377b04a5-fa8b-4e4a-8db5-8d769fd6639b',
'deviceId': '10',
'deviceName': 'utils',
'endDateTime': '2023-05-19T17:29:23.438893600Z',
'fileId': '459',
'fileName': 'Test',
'filePath': '',
'id': '5a3823af-3495-4692-9a08-0da80e70f046_06a59328ad01bfaa',
'message': '',
'modifiedBy': '41',
'modifiedOn': '2023-05-19T17:29:25.115503Z',
'progress': 100,
'queueId': '',
'queueName': '',
'runElevated': False,
'startDateTime': '2023-05-19T17:29:21.602952600Z',
'status': 'COMPLETED',
'tenantUuid': '0a662aeb-8728-11a9-8187-bed41445010e',
'totalLines': 1,
'type': 'RUN_NOW',
'userId': '41',
'userName': '',
'usingRdp': False}]

Basically it's a list with all executions found with the filter, and all their status.