
Common Audio and Video filters

libav, ffmpeg, audio, video, filters
pip install avfilters==0.0.1



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Curated list of common Audio/Video filters.

This library wraps the relatively complex PyAV bindings to provide easy to use audio and video manipulation filters, such as files concatenation, video reversing or video to GIF.


FFMPEG is a powerful tool for media files manipulation. Many Python libraries already wrap the ffmpeg executable to easily perform audio and video processing in Python.

However, most of those libraries call ffmpeg through subprocesses. While this is fine in many use cases, this has two major drawbacks:

  1. you must have ffmpeg installed on your computer, and know the executable path;
  2. and repeatedly calling subprocesses in a hot loop can be quite slow.

For performances reasons, a solution is to use bindings to the FFMPEG C libraries, e.g., PyAV. Moreover, PyAV ships (by default) with pre-built binary wheels linking against FFMPEG C libraries, so you do not need to rely on a possible local installation of ffmpeg.

Unfortunately, using PyAV can be quite complex, especially as ffmpeg usually does a lot of auto-corrections that PyAV does not automatically perform.

This library aims at providing a straighforward ffmpeg-like API for some very common use cases.

If you feel like a feature is missing, please use the GitHub issues and detail your feature request.

Getting started

First, add avfilters to you project's dependencies.

from avfilters import reverse

reverse("original.mp4", "expected.mp4")

For more examples, take a look at the documentation.

Getting help

You have a question or want to report a bug?

Please use the GitHub issues.