
Automatically arrange windows based on desktop configuration

pip install awmctrl==0.1


awmctrl -- Automatically arrange windows based on desktop configuration

awmctrl is a simple wrapper around wmctrl(1) and provides the following functionality:

  • It can apply a set of pre-defined rules to position and resize windows based on their title
  • It can keep track of where windows are, and reset their size and position when a second monitor is added or removed


The following tools must be present on the system:

  • xrandr(1)
  • wmctrl(1)


awmctrl assumes a few things:

  • there is either one or two monitors.
  • when there are two monitors, the primary monitor is a laptop located below a single external monitor. (It will automatically be centered just below the monitor.)
  • all (virtual) desktops have the same geometry

Configuration file

The configuration file uses the YaML format.

- title: Gmail
  when: 3840x2160
  desktop: 1
  geometry: 1600x1300-0+0
  display: laptop

Each rule supports the following options:

  • title: a regular expression used to select the window
  • when: the desktop geometry that this rule applies to. [OPTIONAL]
  • desktop: the (virtual) desktop to move this window to. [OPTIONAL]
  • geometry: the desired geometry for the window, using the WIDTHxHEIGHT[+-]XPOS[+-]YPOS format. XPOS and YPOS are relative to the display specified by display.
  • display: this is either laptop (default) or monitor


Usage: awmctrl [ <options> ]

  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
  -1          Apply rules once and exit
  -c CONFIG   Configuration file
  -C          Validate configuration and exit
  -q          Less verbose logging
  -v          More verbose logging