
Remove terminated EC2 instances from AWS CloudMap service

aws, cloud, map
pip install aws-cloud-unmap==2.0.0


AWS Cloud (un)Map

External controller to remove terminated EC2 instances from AWS Cloud Map service.

How it works

This application scans - at a regular interval - the instances registered to a Cloud Map service and match them with the EC2 instances running in 1+ region: it will then deregister any instance registered in the service which doesn't match a running EC2 instance.


  • The instance must be registered in the Cloud Map service with Cloud Map instance id equal to the EC2 instance id
  • The instance must be registered in the Cloud Map service with AWS_INSTANCE_IPV4 attribute (can be the private or public IP address)

How the matching is done:

  • A registered instance is considered valid if both the instance id and the AWS_INSTANCE_IPV4 address match a running EC2 instance
  • A registered instance is skipped (left untouched) if registered without AWS_INSTANCE_IPV4 attribute

Safety countermeasures:

  • The application logs a warning and do not deregister the unmatching instances, in case that would leave the service without registered instance
  • The application handles graceful shutdown on SIGINT and SIGTERM. If such signals are received during a reconciling, it would complete the on-going reconcile before exiting

How to run it

You have two options to run it:

  1. Manually install and run the aws-cloud-unmap Python package

    pip3 install aws-cloud-unmap
    aws-cloud-unmap --service-id srv-12345 --service-region us-east-1 --instances-region us-east-1
  2. Use the Docker image available on Docker hub

    docker run --env AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID="id" --env AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY="secret" spreaker/aws-cloud-unmap --service-id srv-12345 --service-region us-east-1 --instances-region us-east-1

The cli supports the following arguments:

Argument Required Description
--service-id ID yes AWS CloudMap service ID
--service-region REGION yes AWS CloudMap service region
--instances-region REGION [REGION ...] yes AWS regions where EC2 instances should be checked
--frequency N How frequently the service should be reconciled (in seconds). Defaults to 300 sec
--single-run Run a single reconcile and then exit
--enable-prometheus Enable the Prometheus exporter. Disabled by default
--prometheus-host The host at which the Prometheus exporter should listen to. Defaults to
--prometheus-port The port at which the Prometheus exporter should listen to. Defaults to 9100
--log-level LOG_LEVEL Minimum log level. Accepted values are: DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL. Defaults to INFO

Exported metrics

The application features an integrated Prometheus exporter. The following metrics are exported:

Metric name Labels Description
aws_cloud_unmap_up service_id Always 1: can be used to check if it's running
aws_cloud_unmap_last_reconcile_success_timestamp_seconds service_id The timestamp (in seconds) of the last successful reconciliation

Required IAM privileges

In order to successfully run, this application requires the following IAM privileges:

  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Sid":      "DescribeEC2Instances",
      "Effect":   "Allow",
      "Action":   [ "ec2:DescribeInstances" ],
      "Resource": "*"
      "Sid":      "ListAndDeregisterServiceInstances",
      "Effect":   "Allow",
      "Action":   [
      "Resource": "*"
      "Sid":      "UpdateDnsWhileDeregisteringServiceInstances",
      "Effect":   "Allow",
      "Action":   [ "route53:ChangeResourceRecordSets" ],
      "Resource": [


Run the development environment:

docker-compose build dev && docker-compose run --rm dev

Run tests in the dev environment:

python3 -m unittest


This software is released under the MIT license.